Hey I’m a male and 18yrs old and I’ve been suspecting my hair has been thinning for maybe six months but I don’t know and it seems to be only the sides of my head the top of my head doesn’t seem that bad at all I also went to the doctors and she said “ that it was just the way the light hit my...
Hi I’m 16 years old and about 2 months ago I started noticing thinning in my hair and lots of hair loss in the shower. My dermatologist said it’s most likely stress related but I’ve changed my lifestyle significantly and I’m not noticing a change. Still getting worse. I’d really appreciate if...
Neither sides of family have any history of balding whatsoever. 21 year old male. Not shedding but just noticed how large it is. Honestly don’t ever remember it being this thin. Thanks for the responses.
I'm 16 years old, and for about a year or so I've been noticing that I have quite a large forehead, and I also have a bit of a widows peak. I was wondering if my hairline is receding, or if it is just mature. If it is receding, is there anything I can do to stop? In any case, is there anything I...
I'm a male college student and my family has no history of male pattern baldness.
About five years ago, my hair started to fall out as a side effect of the medication Topamax. It stopped or was reduced after I stopped taking the medication. My hair was only slightly thinned where I had my hair...
Hey there! I am really in very stress right now. I just turned 17 in September, Last year. It all started at same time last year (In the beginning of January). I was very ill back than(Due to sinus and Allergies and Upper Tract something) I used to part my hair from left to right, I've noticed...
Iv always had relatively thin hair, and can’t remember noticing a baldish spot until a year or so ago. I’m wondering what could’ve caused it and what my treatment could be. Any ideas and recommendations are helpful!
Hi everyone
I just turned 25. My story begins when I was about 23. I started noticing the hair at my temples thinning. Didn't think much of it, it was just f*****g irritating because the hair got very curly and hard to style/ look good. To give you guys a idea of what I am talking about...
Hi, I am a 20 year old male and lately I've been a bit worried because my hair has been receding gradually in the temples over the past year and a half to two years. When I look at what images of advanced male pattern baldness look like, mine represents a version of that in its early stages. A...