

  1. T

    Thinning behind the hairline or normal?

    Some users when I previously posted this link said it was normal to have some dents in the hairline but is the thinning on the very right side kind of behind the hairline though? Cheers in advance.
  2. J

    18 - Maturing Or Balding Hairline? Opinions

    Hello all. I’m an 18 year old who has a little insecurity about my hair. I would like to know whether my hairline is maturing or balding? Also, which Norwood scale do u think this is? Just be real with me and tell me your honest opinion. Also, I have seen pictures of myself at age 13 where I...
  3. J

    Is My Hairline Receding Or Is It Just Maturing?

    First image is from 2015 at age 22, 2nd is more recent of this year 2019 at age 26
  4. F

    I Just Need An Explanation On What Is Currently Happening With My Hair

    Hello i'm Fiased, I want someone to explain to me what is happening with my hair right now, like am I receding, maturing, or balding. I'm 15 right now, my temples looks like they have receded, i noticed them when I was 14. My crown has no signs of thinning, and in my opinion i think i have thick...
  5. H

    Is My Hairline Receding Am 16 ?! Help Guys Am I F.ckd Up ?

    Is this norma!? Im 16 and i have fear because of that Is that a maturing hairline or receding ?? My Dad has a M shape and thin hair My Grandpa has a very nice full head of hear all sides and behind but only his hairline is set back like a M He is 67
  6. R

    Am I Balding At 16??? Please Help Thanks!

  7. G

    Am I Balding, Maturing, Or Going Crazy?

    Hi. Forgive me for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language. So, I'm 20, I have thick hair and it's very long. But recently I've noticed a "small" recession on my hairline. I didn't notice it before because my hairline was always covered up. But when I did noticed, I went crazy! I...
  8. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? Im 17

    Hello, Im 17 and have had very thick hair since I was able to grow it. Recently I have noticed that my hairline is receding my right temple has receded the most my left one not so much and it appers to be thinning in the middle very slightly (I habe anxiety so I may just be seeing things) My...
  9. Y

    21 Years Old, Miniaturizing/receding Hairs: How Bad Is It?

    My hairline has always been fucked - I've always had a high hairline with a widows peak and small frizzy hairs. Recently got it shaved, and noticed the smaller hairs more pronounced. When I looked up what they mean I discovered it could be called miniaturization/recession. Anyway, took some...
  10. K

    Maturing Hairline Or Recession/balding?

    Hi Everyone, To start, I am a 16 yr old male that has always had a pretty weird hairline. However, lately, I feel like it has receded a bit. Do you guys think I'm just maturing or something more?
  11. C

    18 Years Old. Worried About Balding.

    I’m i’m About to turn 18 soon and I love my hair. Lately I’ve been worried about my hairline. Only my uncle is a direct relative that went bald and he’s on my mom side but he had a different Dad than my mom. My mom’s Dad died at 55 with a full head of hair. My Dad is 38 and has a distinct widows...
  12. D

    Question: What Is Going On With My Hairline?

    I'm 17, and I know that my hairline is changing. I've been undergoing heavy amounts of stress, and I'm super paranoid that I'm balding because my dad started going bald at 17, however his dad didn't go bald until way later, and all of my mom's side has a full head of hair. the pics at the...
  13. C

    Mature Hairline Or Receding? Opinions Needed!!

    I’m 17 years old. I need opinions about my hairline. Is my hairline maturing or balding? My dad is 38 and still has his hair but he’s always had a natural widows peak. My grandfather on my mothers side died at 55 with a full head of hair.
  14. C

    17 Years Old. Mature Or Receding Hairline?

    This is my 3rd and final time I want to post on this forumn. I’m obsessing on whether or not i’m going bald or my hairline is receding. I’m 17 years old. My father didn’t go bald and he’s 38. My grandfather on my moms side was 55 when he died with a full head of hair. Only people in my family...
  15. C

    17 Years Old. Is My Hairline Receding Or Maturing?

    I’m 17 years old and extremely paranoid. I’m worried that my temple sides of my hairline are receding. My father is 38 and not bald. My Grandfather on my mothers side was 55 when he passed away and he had a full head of hair. The only people who have gone bald on my mothers side are my two...
  16. M

    Receding, Maturing, Or Just Baby Hair?

    So I am a male, 20 years old. I have always had a very Sharp/distinct v-shaped widows peak since I could remember.My hairline is has also always been very uneven with my right temple extending back more than my left. In addition, I have an extremely thick head of hair; so thick that barbers...
  17. austintheberg

    male pattern baldness Or Maturing? Feeling Like Crap, How Do I Cope

    The first time I noticed (or believed) my hair was thinning/receding was my senior year of high school when I was 18. Somebody brought up the fact that I had a widows peak and I took it to heart, and have ever since been paranoid about balding. I've also been told my hair might just be maturing...
  18. H

    Can Somebody Tell Me More About A Maturing Hairline?

    Hi, I was really worried that my hairline might be receding and I'm currently taking finasteride 1mg a day. I'm 18 years old and I've heard that this is actually a very normal time to see some natural recession in the hairline or 'maturing hairline' the only trouble is I cant seem to find any examples...
  19. T

    male pattern baldness or a maturing hairline?

    Hi guys, i'm new to this so just trying to familiarise myself with the various terms at the moment.I may be asking an age old question here but here it goes.I'm 29 at the moment and for the pat year have started to notice abit of recession aswell as some thinning on the crown area.What i'm...