
norwood scale

  1. N

    What Norwood Am I?

    (Deleted) (Disregard)
  2. H

    Idk wich Norwood I am, can someone help me please?

  3. C

    Was Norwood 0 A Year Ago. Now I’m Giving Up The Fight

    Lmao my hair is like ‘Norwood Scale? Why don’t we just do the whole thing at once?’. Baffling. A year ago I was Norwood 0 with very minimal left temporal recession. Hopped on finasteride last August and hasn’t done a thing for me. Things have gotten way worse in a single year. Hopped on...
  4. A

    Genuine Concern (pictures Embedded). Widow's Peak? Receding Hairline? Norwood Scale?

  5. B

    What Norwood # Am I? I Don't Know If I Am A 2 Or 3. Maybe I Am Neither?

    Hi all, I just started using rogaine foam (3weeks ago). I believe I am a norwood #3 though I am not really sure. I'm wondering ... 1. Am I a norwood 2 or 3? 2. I've heard/read that some people can go from a norwood 3 to 2 with rogaine foam. Has any1 experienced this?
  6. J

    Hair Transplant Now Or Wait A Few Years?

    Hi all I'm considering a hair transplant as my hair loss has a constant negative impact on life. I'm 27 and have been using finasteride for 2 years and it seems to have stopped the hair loss. At this point I am able to style it so it looks like a full head of hair, but when it rains or very windy the crown...
  7. F

    Where Do I Rest On The Norwood Scale? 19yr Old

    I feel like I've begun to suffer some form of body dysmorphia with my receding hairline sometimes when I'm having a good day i feel like I'm seeing a norwood 1.5 other days a 3 or worse I would like to see where you guys would place me because I can't stop over thinking it i know me knowing...
  8. L

    What am I on the Norwood scale/Should I be seeking treatment?

    Hello everyone. I am 22 going on 23 and for as long as I can remember I have been worried about receeding early. I wanted people's opinion as to what I should do. I am going to see a dermatologist next week to get a second opinion because my doctor simply told me I was fine but I personally...