
not working

  1. -Synergy-

    Androgenetic alopecia obsession causes more hair loss

    Should the focused on this forum or in general always be on androgenetic alopecia related hair loss? Is it just me or does it seem like the second somebody says they are losing hair everybody recommends decreasing DHT and dousing their head in minoxidil or Ru58841? This isn’t just HairLossTalk...
  2. U

    Am I A Non Responder? Anyone Else Out There Feel The Same?

    Been on 1.25mg of generic finasteride daily for 8 months now. Only missed 1 or 2 days of taking the tablet. Still seeing same amount of hair falling out when shampooing or rubbing my hair into the sink. No sides but also not noticing much difference in my hair. Wanted to see what people think and if...
  3. U

    Possibly Unresponsive To Dutasteride - What Should I Do?

    I currently take .5mg dutasteride daily along with vitamins and herbal dht blockers. Ive been on duta daily for 4 months but feel like i am not responding to the medication. My reasons for this are i am still losing the same amount of hair as i was prior to duta. My hairline has continued to...
  4. K

    45 Days On Finasteride And Receding Badly

    I'm on finasteride1mg-daily since 45-50 days and my temples have receded badly :mad: My hairfall is 25-35 hairs Posting some before- after pics first day on finasteride(right-temple) latest pic (right temple) bad recession lefttemple(day1) lefttemple(latest pic)
  5. K

    45 Days On Finasteride And Receding Badly

    I'm on finasteride1mg-daily since 45-50 days and my temples have receded badly :mad: My hairfall is 25-35 hairs Posting some before- after picsfirst day on finasteride latest pic lefttemple(day1) lefttemple(latest pic)
  6. peewee

    Ru And dutasteride Failure - Head Shave Poll

    Can't hold anymore on ru and dutasteride and i'm wondering something; it's out there that people who finally give up and shave the head, they say it's liberating and they feel free. I'm sure they don't like being bald but is it true? when you finally give up and shave the head and face the world are...
  7. C

    Running Out Of Options

    Here's my question if you don't fancy reading the rest: What alternatives are there to minoxidil? I don't think it works for me. Been on 0.5mg of finasteride for about 5 months now and I've seen zero improvement, things have only been getting much worse. Recently restarted using minoxidil but that...