
oily skin

  1. O

    Im Back After 10+ Years Debating On Trying Propecia Again

    Hey guys I used to be on this forum as " king- " over 10 years ago but I cant seem to remember my password or email used I have diffuse thinning w/ receding I tried propecia Feb 2009 for about a year I maintained but decided to quit in 2010 through out the years I havent tried any...
  2. S

    Early Shedding (week 2-3) And Oily Scalp On finasteride

    Hi guys! I've decided to start a new thread on this specific topic as I couldn't find enough info (all of the posts I have found were really old) about others experience on early shedding and oily scalp on finasteride. So here is my story: First time I started using finasteride was in December 2015. I...
  3. Folliman

    Propecia causing acne?

    Hey guys, I'm 23 Norwood 1.5 and started to thin around the temples in the NW2 Area so I decided to take action quickly. A week ago I started taking 1MG propecia, decided to stop on saturday and sunday because of other medication and didn't want to mix them. Now monday I noticed acne and I'm scared I...
  4. N

    Stopped propecia

    Hey ive recently stopped propecia due to some sides such as very low sex drive, extreme brain fog and depression. Ive also had a increase in oil on my face which is very bothersome no matter what i do my face is constantly shiny.. I was on propecia for 8 months and stopped a week and a half ago...