
possible concern

  1. C

    Just one last time guys, please do answer.

    The other day I posted a thread where I got some rather reassuring replies. However, the lighting in the photo showing my crown wasn’t good enough. This’ll (hopefully) be the last time I post on here so bear with me. So, am I going bald? I’ll mention just in case- my hair’s oily here and...
  2. C

    18 years old, is this is a mature hairline or am I receding?

    Hi. I’m 18(turning 19 this year) and noticed differences in my hairline. I’d appreciate it if someone could let me know whether this is a maturing or receding hairline. Posted one of the crown too. Regarding family history, my dad who’s nearing 60, has a full head of hair and so do all the...
  3. T

    Should I be concerned? 20yrs old

    Wanted to check in and see if this is something o should be concerned about, I do have a habit of playing with my hair, so that could be apart of the issue, but is this anything I should be concerned about?
  4. D

    Male Pattern Baldness Or Something Else?

    Hello! This is the second time I post here, almost one year after first doing so. During that period, I cut my hair short (first picture), after which I let my hair grow long again. The “bald spot” I keep seeing for a few years seems to be getting worser than ever. And I’m only turning 21. Not...
  5. A

    Genuine Concern (pictures Embedded). Widow's Peak? Receding Hairline? Norwood Scale?
