
propecia sides

  1. H

    Semen pills for watery semen?

    So I have been on the big 3 since the middle of 2014 and have had what i consider to be big success. The only real side effect I have experienced is watery semen. Erections and sexual desire are as strong and as frequent as ever. It seems like this issue has been on and off throughout the...
  2. R

    Propecia story 18 yrs old

    I started losing hair at 17 and am now 19 shortly. I started 1mg propeia about 9 months ago and continued treatment for a total of 7 months, the first 3-4 months of treatment i noticed no sides accept for hair regrowth (normal sexdrive/libido). approx 5-6 months in hair coverage had increased...
  3. N

    Stopped propecia

    Hey ive recently stopped propecia due to some sides such as very low sex drive, extreme brain fog and depression. Ive also had a increase in oil on my face which is very bothersome no matter what i do my face is constantly shiny.. I was on propecia for 8 months and stopped a week and a half ago...