

  1. Im unlucky

    Finastaride and side effect give me advice

    Hello friends, two days ago i was going to start finastaride and i told a few people around that i was going to start finastaride, they researched the drug and insisted that I should definitely not start. and they said that the side effects are permanent, that everyone who uses that drug has...
  2. Im unlucky

    Finastaride important morning 0.5 evening 0.5

    Hello I read something like this on another forum and it said use 0.5mg in the morning and 0.5mg in the evening, how true is it? "The half-life of finasteride is 6 hours in adults. So 1 mg of finasteride will decrease to 0.125 mg at the end of 24 hours. This corresponds to a minimum level of 0.2...
  3. Im unlucky

    Give me best advice on finastaride

    Hello you can call me unlucky im 22 years old I will start finastaride in a few weeks, how can I best avoid the usual side effects? Should I take Finastaride at night or in the morning? (If I take it at night, can I avoid the fatigue of the drug?) on an empty stomach or on a full stomach? When I...
  4. Im unlucky

    Advice me im 22 crown and temple hair

    Hello im 22 and my hair last year like this, but now it got a little worse than that and the small hairs are gone, i want to take finestaride but i'm so scared of side effects do i need to have a test or test before taking finestaride? Give me best advice I dont want use minoxil btw Thank you
  5. J

    Am i balding ? 20 years old

    Could this be what is called maturing hairline ? or am i balding. Baldness runs through my mother's side her father and brothers started losing their hair when they were around 25 years olds. My father started losing hair lately 50yrs+. From what i know baldness comes through our maternal side...
  6. W

    Cutting Proscar In 10 Pieces Of ~0.5 Mg

    I currently cut proscar pills (5mg) in ten pieces with a knife( to obtain ~0.5 mg ). But the actual obtained size varies between 0.4 - 0.65 mg because of the difficulties regarding cutting. Do you think that the uneven dose ( 0.4 - 0.65 mg ) taken every day will create any issues( like hormonal...
  7. E

    Help Me, Please, Don’t Know What Else To Do

    I’ve been taking finasteride since 30/09/2019, at first it slowed down my loss from 100+ hair to 5/10 hair daily, my hair also looked thicker, but at the start of month 3 (around mid December), my hair started to shed again. No itch, no pain, no oiliness. Just shedding + lower libido, way...

    Best Way To Split 5m Finasteried Into Portions? (powder?)

    Hi everyone! I live in Russia. Here we have only 5 mg Finasteride (mostly Proscar/Penester) available. The question is: which is the best way to split it into 1 mg doses? Usual cutting seems to be not precise enough. My idea is to grind a tablet into powder, mix it for a while and then use...
  9. L

    Increased Libido And Shedding When Switching To Proscar

    Hey guys! I’m 23 and have been using Finasteride Accord 1 mg for little over one-year whit a good response. About 1 mount ago I had to switch brands since the 1 mg pill I was using could no longer be obtained in any of the pharmacies in my country and I could only afford generic. Instead, I got...
  10. E

    On Finesteride Since 2002 – Recent Changes

    My story is a long and mixed one, but to cut to the chase, a couple years ago, I was encouraged to increase my dosage of finesteride from 0.5 mg, which had been sufficient for years, to 5 mg. Since then, it appears that there was no prostate issue, which had been the impetus for the increase. I...
  11. E

    Topical Finasteride Without Minoxidil

    New on the forum so forgive me if this info is to find somewhere else. Anyway, i want to start using finasteride as a topical solution without minoxidil. Does anyone have experience with making their own vehicle for the finasteride? (proscar pills in my case). My first thought was to use the...
  12. S

    Proscar - 0.625 Mg Ed Or 1.25 Mg Eod?

    Hey. I'm about to start taking finasteride (proscar 5 mg pills) and have 2 questions since I'm clueless about how this works: 1. Is it possible to cut them in 1/8s or are the pills too small for that (I'd prefer taking 0.625 daily because I heard the effects are roughly the same, and this way...
  13. F

    Does Finasteride "brain Fog" Go Away With Continued Use?

    First post here, sorry its so long... So a little background story: about a year ago I started noticing an increase in the amount of hair I was losing in the shower and in my hands after running them through my hair. Like most people I didn't think much of it at first, and looked for any...
  14. B

    Best Way To Take Propecia In Terms Of Dosage?

    I decided to take propecia or any form of it. First off, what even is the best form? Propecia, dutasteride, proscar... anything you guys can suggest? Also, at what dosage do you reccomend that I take let’s say propecia? Like should I cut up the pill and take a faction if it everyday? Take a full...
  15. R

    Hairs Getting Worse On Finasteride 1mg

    Hello, I'm using finasteride(Proscar 1/5) 1 mg daily for 5 months I had some days off on it but not more than 6 days but I see that while i am on it , my hairs getting worse, my whole hairs thinning, my hairline still receding my temples getting bad, should I wean off or keep on it ? Thanks...
  16. N

    Norwood Cemetery's Hairloss Regimen(nw2, 20 Yo, Awful Right Temple)

    My hairloss progression so far: Lost my NW0 quickly at 17 and moved to NW1. At 18 my right temple reached Nw1.5 while left temple stayed the same. I tried minoxidil but had to quit due to sides(acne, dark circles) 2 months ago I buzzed my head and hairloss had progressed to NW2.25 on the right...
  17. R

    Is It Possible Telogen Effluvium On Finasteride?

    Hi people, I'm on finasteride for 2 months. My all hairs thinning since I started, even back of my head and sides of head. its shedding as well. So does it mean its tel.eff.? Should I wean off to drug?
  18. R

    Weak Orgasm On Finasteride Please Help.

    Hi, I'm on finasteride 1mg/day for 2 months and my orgasm not satisfying anymore. Does it expected side-effects or anything going bad ? Any advice ?
  19. G

    Dr John Ashcroft, Uk Doctor - Is He Still Alive?!

    Has anyone bought a supply of proscar / propecia / finasteride tablets from Dr John Ashcroft recently? I always pay him in advance and then receive the pills a week or so later with an email confirmation from him that the pills are on their way, but this time I've received no pills and no...
  20. John Boy

    Thinning 19 Year Old With Some Questions.

    Been lurking on here for about 5 months, as I was still in the denial phase about my hairloss lol. Recently its become impossible to deny that it hasnt turned to sh*t and that its not getting steadily worse. Always had a widows peak but its the overall quality and thickness of the front of my...