I am a 29 year old male, and I started to notice my hair loss when I was 23/24. My hair loss is slightly a-typical, as it started on my crown and is diffusely thinning throughout the top of my head. Although my hairline is still relatively intact, I have noticed that it too is slowly receding...
Hi guys,my friend wanted to know the answer to this question.He says that he has a family history of balding on his fathers side however his mothers side is all good. His father went bald by the age of 33(so he started pretty late) while everyone on his mothers side has good hair.His question is...
My hairloss progression so far:
Lost my NW0 quickly at 17 and moved to NW1.
At 18 my right temple reached Nw1.5 while left temple stayed the same. I tried minoxidil but had to quit due to sides(acne, dark circles)
2 months ago I buzzed my head and hairloss had progressed to NW2.25 on the right...
Hi, my general question is. Why doesn´t the majority in this forum just go for a hairpiece?
My person
I am thinking about quiting finasteride and minoxidil and just go for a piece. I am early with finasteride and it is likely it will help my hair, but I am very scared of side. Especially of brain fog ( Inteligence...
Been lurking on here for about 5 months, as I was still in the denial phase about my hairloss lol. Recently its become impossible to deny that it hasnt turned to sh*t and that its not getting steadily worse. Always had a widows peak but its the overall quality and thickness of the front of my...
my forehead has always been pretty big but becoming older I have just now started being conscious of hairloss and looking out for it. I noticed by temples going back a lot lately. Is this maturing or male pattern baldness.
For some context, here is a post I had from June of last year: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/threads/am-i-balding-young-person-need-input.106621/#post-1504862
As the title states, I'm 15 and I'll be turning 16 in August. My 22 y/o brother has already experienced some obvious hairline...
I am a 19 year old male. After starting college in the fall, I began to notice an increased amount of my hair falling out, especially around my cowlick. I also began to see my scalp through my hair, more easily than I ever had before. When I would take a shower or comb my hair, I would see...