

  1. P

    Is my hair line receeding? Am i going bald

    Hello, just wanted to for your guys opinion on something. Is My hairline receding at 19 years old? My dad isint completely bald but does have a but of bald on his crown any ways here's a few pictures of my hair
  2. B

    23 worried need advice

    Been worrying about my hair for 2/3 year The second photo and last few photos are from about 4 years ago the rest are recent Where am I the norwoood scale I’m almost 24 is it too early to be thinking about a hair transplant Thank you
  3. J

    Is My Hairline Maturing Or Definitely Receding?

    Noticed a part of my hairline has thinned quite a bit lately. Also been under an immense amount of stress in the last few months. And then when I noticed my hairline was thinning it shot my stress up even higher. It’s started thinning on the right side more so than the left. Anybody know if it’s...
  4. J

    Is My Hairline Receding Or Is It Just Maturing?

    First image is from 2015 at age 22, 2nd is more recent of this year 2019 at age 26
  5. E

    Am I Receding At Temples At The Age Of 18?

    Am I receding at the temples? My parent seem to think so as they keep pointing it out. My dad has some balding on the crown at 50 but no receding. Moms side all has hair. Here r some photos. If I am balding how long do u think until it’s bad and should I start propecia.
  6. H

    Can Anybody Tell Me If My Hairline Is Receding

    concerned my hair is beginning to recede at only 19, is panick mode rn and seriously don’t kno what to do
  7. D

    Help 19 Am I Thinning Or Just Being Paranoid??

    Alright so I just took these photos and am noticing that my right temple seems to look pretty thin. It’s always been thin but I don’t know if this is just the first time I’m really noticing it. Also (not shown in the picture due to poor camera quality) there are little hairs I see where it was...
  8. D

    Just Cut My Hair And Im Looking For Opinions.

    Alright so I just cut my hair, completely buzzed it because the warmer weather is already settling in where I live. I want to know if you guys think my hairline is fine and if my hair seems like it’s thinning (sorry about the lighting)
  9. J

    Is My Hair Receding At 16 (with Pics)

    I'm 16 years old and recently I have been noticing some changes in my hairline. It used to be straight but now it's taking on a slight U shape. The hairs started regrowing after a couple of months but as they are much shorter I can see the U shape starting to come through I'm not sure if it is...
  10. G

    Receding Hairline, Looking For Advice

  11. B

    27 With Far Back Hairline And Recession Looking For Hair Advice

    Throughout my life i’ve always had a high hairline but it wasnt until i was in my mid twenties instarted to notice my hair recede at a quick rate. It is effecting my confidence and im not sure what i should do as far as hairstyle goes. Ive had long hair my whole life and have tried looking up...
  12. P

    What's Wrong With The Right Side Of My Hairline? Is It Receding?

    I've had the widows peak for a long time but I don't know if my right hairline always looked like that? Is that normal or is it thinning? It looks way more spread out and messy than the left side. 1st pic is right side 2nd is left side
  13. N

    I'm 14. Do You Think This Is An Early Mature Hairline Or What?

    My hairline started to change at around 9 or so. I used to have the juvenile norwood 1 but then the squares of hair at my temples started thinning out and then it my hair started to recede back, all of this between the ages of 9-14 mind you. The hairline is still pretty much straight across at...
  14. J

    Plz Look At My Left Temple Hairline: male pattern baldness Or Not? Diet-related? [photos]

    Hi guys, Is my left side "balding"? (Not sure if that's the word)... it's not "deeper than the right side, but hairline on left side of my head has a stronger "angle" than my right side. Left side: Right side: I only began to notice it this year, so I dunno if it's real or if I just...