I do sweat more than usual but having a shower to rinse it off midday isn't possible. Would blotting sweat off the hairline (where my hair loss is concentrated) with a tissue everytime lots of sweat accumulates be a good idea and would it make much difference? Does anyone do this?
Also, I have...
I see a lot of people here that think a mature hairline happens due to DHT, which is wrong. A mature hairline occurs due to a males changing head shape/facial structure and can sometimes symbolise that of a NW2. Although both occur via the process of miniaturisation, a real NW2 occurs due to DHT...
Hi there, I've been dealing with a receding hairline since I was about 17. I've always had long hair with a fringe so its hard to recall what my hairline was like when I was 14/15/16. As a kid I didn't have a straight hair line, it was a bit curved with a cowslick on one side. I've always had a...
Hey all. Sorry to fill up feed if this ain't really serious. I think i'm receeding and don't wanna lose my hair. None of my grandparents lost their hair, at all. Maybe great great, nor parents.. 19 male, these pics are of my left temple.. My right temple is really really strong almost juvenile...
I have only just recently noticed my hairline going back at a rapid rate on one side in particular and I am very worried it male pattern baldness.
At this point shiuld I just shave it all off?
Hey guys so over the past two months I have started to notice that my hairline looks like it’s receded. My family on both sides have good heads of hair and there is limited MBP in the family (my dads brother has it but that’s it). I looked at pictures from a year ago and my hairline looks more...
Hi guys,
After lurking for a few months I’ve decided to join the forum! Hopefully you’ll be able to help me.
I’ve always had a high forehead, but as you can see, my hairline is receded, with a prominent ‘U’ shape. The hairline itself goes in further in certain places.
Now, I’m sure it looks...
Hi guys, firstly - this site rocks! Has been so useful to me this last year. Secondly, could really do with some of your stories/advice about now. I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible but skim through if you want.
Really brief backstory - hair loss has been a slow burner for me...
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here as im frightened i am losing my hair at such a young age. I dont mind going bald later in life but in my 20's would shatter all the confidence i have, ive comtemplated suicide if i did. Although for as long as i can remember i have had a large '...
I included a picture of when I was a child aswell. My family members tell me it looks normal and that it's not receeding/balding. They say I have always had that hair line even as a child, which it does look that way from the child picture I put up in the picture...
Hey there, well.. I'm 18 years old and my hair has receeded something shocking! Ill be honest. I've tryed to put it off, but recently one of my friends said something to me and now a fellow co worker. This is really affecting my self esteem. I would shave it all off, but my facial features would...
Hey guys, after long time of delaying this from me i accepted that i might be balding as my father did. So here i am making my first topic.
My grandfather has more hair than 70 % of ppl at his age :D My father tho is bald. At the moment i am trying to understand if im balding or my hairline is...
Hello, does it seem like my hairline is receeding or could my barber have lined it up to far? I do see new hair growing... What do you guys think? Here is a picture.