

  1. P

    28 Male 2100 Grafts FUE

    Hi All, Long time reader first time poster! This has been a really helpful community and I thank you all for your contribution and support over the years. A little about my story, I began noticeably losing my hair around age 21. In reality it was probably more like 18, but did not pay much...
  2. M

    Rapid Loss And Receding Hairline From Starting Minoxidile

    Has anyone else experienced a rapid loss of hair from starting minoxidil? Like literally having your hairline recede for 1cm or even more. That seemed to be happening with me several times I wanted to start minoxidil. Not just thinning out but literally just all my hair going from hairline and...
  3. R

    5 Months - A Little Progress On Two Of The Big Three

    Hi guys, I've lurked on this forum for a long time. I'd like to say thanks to everyone who posts here. It's a great source of information and encouragement to lots of people out there who may never post. I found out a lot about hairloss from here and have been using nizoral for years thanks...
  4. B

    Story So Far - 21 On The "big Three"...

    I've been lurking a lot so have now decided to begin a thread of my own! Partly for another story for people to read and partly to keep track of my thoughts. Hopefully I'll remember to keep it updated! So I noticed I was thinning on the crown a few years back but didn't pay any attention to it...
  5. C

    Fue hair transplant Two Years On, Happy To Answer Questions

    So its been almost two years since I have had my Fue hairtransplant, it was done in hammersmith London, thought I would come on here and share my experience with anyone thinking of getting this done and answer any sensible questions anyone has. I was a norwood 3, with the little 'Island' almost...
  6. J

    Help! Thinning Hair And Getting Married In 9 Months!

    Im getting married in 9 months time, my hair is thinning on the top of my head and most notably at the front of my head/hair line. (see pics). What can I do to at least maintain what I have for my wedding in 9 months time.
  7. AnxiousAndy

    Why Does Rogaine Claim 9 Our Of 10 Have Results?

    Hey all, i dont use Rogaine myself but oral minoxidil instead. I was reading the rogaine/regaine website and it claimed that 9 out of 10 experienced maintenance or regrowth when obviously that is not the case, are they allowed to do this? And why do they do this? I figured this would be an...
  8. T

    Losing Around 300-400 Hairs A Day Having Low Dht Level In Blood. Why??

    I am a 26 year old male who has been on the Norwood scale 3 vertex since the age of 16 (first noticed). It has always been fine as I had thick hair everywhere else to cover up the patches. Around 10 months ago (when I was 25) I noticed that my hair has been thinning a bit on the top. 4 months ago i...
  9. T

    Is It Normal To Lose Around 200-250 Hair Strands In The Shower Alone?

    I have recently been noticing that I do shed a lot of hair in the shower. I would roughly count them and I would say that I easily shed around 200-250 hairs in the shower alone each time I wash it. I do tend to wash my hair once every 2-3 days (normally) however even when I do wash it everyday...
  10. T

    Losing 200-300 Hairs A Day Since I Was 16

    Hi everyone, I have always had thin hair at the crown and a receding hairline at the temples (First noticed this when I was 16 and I am now 26) otherwise I have thick hair elsewhere. When I was 16 I noticed that I lost around 200 hairs a day and this included brushing, running fingers through...
  11. D

    Shedding Phases Whilst Taking Propecia

    I started shedding severely just before I turned 21, I tried regaine to stop it or help but still continued to shed. Last summer I stopped taking it and had bad hair loss. In September I tried regaine again and in October decided to start propecia quartering the tablet. I stopped taking regaine...
  12. Reece James Ibrahim

    My Hair Loss Experience And How I Got It Back

    Ok so im kind of new to this stuff as ive never really wrote anything in a forum before .. however i decided to since i know how many guys out there who have had the same experiences as me when it come down to hair loss .. As a child I always had a good set of thick hair trying out different...
  13. W

    Finasteride, Minoxidil, Revita, Nizoral...what Next?

    Hey all. Wanting to get some advice on what my next approach should be. I've tried finasteride, Minoxidil, Revita shampoo, Biotin, Nourkrin and also 'Nicehair' suggestions (it's an e-book which has a pretty lengthy routine to follow for diet, dermarolling, topical application of Saw Palmetto, oils etc)...
  14. E

    Worried About Starting Minoxidil Foam

  15. E

    Regaine Success Story Over 3 Months

    Hi all, As it has just been Christmas I thought I'd spread some festive cheer and provide some hope to anyone who finds themselves in the same position I did. For the past six months I have using Regaine Foam twice daily, along with Regenepure DR Hair loss shampoo 3 times weekly. I apply the...
  16. D

    I Am About To Start Treatment But Need Some Advice...

    Hi all, I am your typical long term reader and first time poster but I am at the stage where I am about to start treatments to help with my hair loss and I wanted to ask a few questions to anyone who is happy to help. I am 32 and it was 2 years ago I only started to notice my hair is...
  17. yadayada029

    Rogaine/minoxidil And Bradycardia (slow Resting Heart Rate)

    Is there any correlation between bradycardia (slow resting heart rate, 59 > bpm) and use of topical minoxidil? I would think it would have the opposite effect.
  18. D

    Stopping minoxidil. Help/advice Required.

    Hey guys, I need some advice from the experts/experienced among you. Basically, I have been using Regaine for around 3 months with good results (despite some annoying sides). Given that my current situation isn't all so bad (yet), I had only set out to use minoxidil to ward off my hairloss...
  19. W

    Serious Concern (hair Not The Way It Was After Stopping Treatment)

    Hi guys, It's my first post so apologies if I don't use the right terminology etc. Hope you all are having a good day. Basically I noticed my hair was thinning slightly and receding quite a bit so I went and bought Regaine foam after spending numerous days researching the product. I started...
  20. J

    Regaine (Rogaine) 5% Expired Allergic Reaction Deadly

    I lost a lot of my hair from SSRI drug Celexa it took months to restore I used vitamins and supplements then I noticed some hair line receded so I went to the shop and bought Regaine 5% strength I got home took it out and saw the bottle was expired I also read side effects and shrugged it off...