
ru 58841

  1. H

    Best source of RU58841 at this current time

    I found a few in China and even one that's been used here before but is it legit? She wants 201 dollars for 40 grams of ru. Is this a good deal? Is there any other that's trusted here? I'm looking to save money on this stuff long term. I run steroids and will be introducing tren and need...
  2. peewee

    RU - reply to all messages on the best source

    I get messages about RU and my dose and source so I thought I’d just post here. RU is 100% legit and works, my years on the drug tell it all. I recommend ethanol/PG/PEG 40/rosemary oil the best source I’ve ever found is Bob, he’s super helpful and I’ve bought from him for over a year now and...
  3. J

    Any alcohol free or low alcohol vehicles to use with RU 58841?

    Is there any product that is alcohol free that I can use as a vehicle to deliver RU? Or with a very low alcohol content? My scalp reacts badly to ethanol and alcohol that are almost the same thing. I have been using Serioxyl Denser Hair by L'Oréal Professionnel that also has Stemoxydine but the...
  4. H

    22 yr, 2 month Finasteride-Need help for my situation

    Hello, I'm Jack. This is my first time in this forum. I'm here to seek some advice for my current hair loss situation. My English is not so good. Therefore, if my words are imcomprehensive, tell me in this thread and I will explain them as clearly as possible. 1. My basic conditions: 22 yr...
  5. J

    Ru Effects On Women, Anyone Tried? What About Sides?

    Is there any woman here who tried RU? Success? Results? Sides? I'd like to order it from anagenic. Thanks.
  6. J

    Dutasteride Injection Diy (also Possible With Ru58841)

    Hi guys, i'm new here so i will write my regimen to get an overview of what i'm currently doing: 0.5mg Dutasteride everyday plus another pill on monday, wednesday and friday for a total of 5g a week minoxidil 5% twice a day with 75mg of ru58841 dissolved in it and 25mg of spironolactone...
  7. Tinkwetax

    I Just Dumped Two Bottles Of Ru58841

    Last night I had one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I've been using RU58841 for two weeks now. The first week of applications went fine, no side effects. But in the last couple of days I started to feel a slight strain on my chest. Last night I woke up because it felt like my...
  8. P

    Second Finasteride Shed, Should I Change My Regimen?

    So it's been a year and a month since I've been taking finasteride, and after about the 4 month mark I experienced some pretty significant gains. About a week into taking finasteride, I started shedding an insane amount of hair. This lasted for about 4 months. Now, I'm shedding again, and I...
  9. sonictemples

    Ru58841 And Heart Failure - Pure Bullsh*t?

    As you guys may know, there was a person who apparently got heart failure after 3 doses of RU58841. Most people aren't concerned and took it seriously. However, was this ever debunked? Do we have solid and concrete proof that this is indeed a joke that got too far? I was curious if the OP later...
  10. L

    Ru58841 Users, Please Help. Thank You

    I am thinking about to give RU58841a try. I have a few questions. I hope someone can help me. Did anyone use ru58841 alone and have very good results? Did it cause any side effects? Do you use it one or twice a day, at what dosage? Where to buy reliable ru material?
  11. H

    Advice Needed On Switching From Finesteride To Ru58841

    Hi guys, really appreciate any advice on this. I have been using the big three regimen for about 5 years now and saw significant results. When I first start finasteride I felt a sharp pain in my groin which went away after a week or two and saw no other sexual side effects or anything. However after...
  12. H

    Safe Dosage Of Ru While On Dutasteride

    Hi chaps- I am on dutasteride 0.5 every day (7 months) after 10 years on finasteride. It’s working at the back but the front is totally ruined- I think dutasteride just doesn’t really affect the front rather than it being responsible for the loss. I have heard many horror stories about heart-related sides from...
  13. peewee

    New Source For Ru Is Working Well For Me

    i believe I’ve found a good source for RU Very responsive, shipping arrives without problems and a good price. I was getting tired of high prices from the other popular source. If anyone interested here is the email address; He works through Alibaba but you can email
  14. L

    Been Very Silly And Put Water In My Ru, Help!!!

    Hi guys, Was making my zix and my ru at the same time and have been a bit of a numpty, I put my ru58841 in 70% alcohol and 30% distilled water instead of PG. I seem to remember reading on here somewhere that water is very bad for ru, is this the case? What do you guys think I would be best to...
  15. J

    The Kane Shop Website Is Down Down Down

    looks like Kane is down, not sure if it’s a temp thing, hopefully he’s not out of business
  16. L

    Ru58841 And Zix Effects Together Help Please

    I'm currently using 1ml of ru a night. Just on my problem areas *temples and back of the head) for about a month and a half so to soon to report the effects. I am starting to apply some zix to the rest of my hair around half hour later, but some is getting on ru areas . The ru is fully dry at...
  17. D

    My Experience With Ru58841, finasteride, minoxidil And 2 Hair Transplants

    Hi guys, [Im posting the same thing I posted on reddit yesterday FYI] First timer on Hairloss talk, but ive been reading this a lot. I'm from Sri lanka, small island in Asia. I had my first hair transplant two years ago when I was 27. It was 3000 grafts FUE, grew back very slow, lost most of...
  18. L

    I Have An Identical Twin Who Does Not Treat Hair Loss

    Hi guys, Just wanted to share my experience with everyone and maybe get some opinions on my regime. I'm 29 stated noticing hairloss around 1.5 years ago and jumped on rogaine a year ago which as we all know isn't that helpful on it's own and finasteride 6 months ago. Really felt like it wasn't working...
  19. bluecyclone

    Topical Finasteride With Ru, Homemade Option?

    So I have been on a compounded .5 topical Finasteride. 9 months no results. Going to stick out a year. I have a 2 year old batch of Kane RU powder that’s been in the freezer. Is it crazy to crush Propecia and add RU to an ethanol (everclear) and PG solution to replace the topical Finasteride? I...
  20. WaterlooSunrise

    Has Anyone Who Got Sexual Sides From finasteride Tried Ru Successfully?

    I'm 19, been off finasteride for about three months. I've only recently completely gotten over the sides it gave me (ED, brain fog, crashed libido, watery semen, etc), after a long time of dialing in my nutrition and heavy exercise. Today for the first time in a while I noticed shedding when I...