

  1. A

    Concern About Scab Removal 14 Days Post-Transplant

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post here. I recently underwent a hair transplant procedure where I received 3500 grafts around my hairline and mid-scalp. Today marks the 14th day since the operation. I've been following all the post-op care instructions to the...
  2. L

    Day 8 - Hair falling off with the scabs

    Hello All, I am on Day 8 post hair transplant. I have had 2 surgeries done. My doctor seems to suggest he has implanted 2680 grafts (gave me an exact figure). So this was worked out by the doctor to be around 6700 - 7000 hairs. What really baffles me is that my experience during the First hair transplant is very...
  3. S

    Scabs Since Start To Day 4 After Surgery

    Hi I am on day 4 of recovery from fue surgery on the front of my hairline. I have had concerns from the start as one side seems fine ( one nurse doing each side ) but the other was bleeding from a few different places. The nurse doing the side I'm concerned about was definitely a bit more brutal...
  4. W

    Post hair transplant Questions (Scabs)

    So when they scabs start falling off and they have little hair imbedded in them, are those the transplanted hairs? Do you lose donor hair during this period (11 days after) I know I' m supposed to go through a big shed, but I was wondering about other peoples experiences with post hair transplant shedding
  5. Firehawk

    Small Dry Red Scabs, What are they?

    When I run my fingers through my hair I occasionally feel a crusty tiny bump on the temples or vertex (back top) of my scalp. If I pick it off, it doesn't hurt and it's usually a small crusty red cluster/dot. What is this? Is it normal? I don't use conditioner, only Head and Shoulders...