

  1. C

    Is This Part In My Hair Something I Should Worry About? (21 Male)

    This is were I part my hair and it looks a bit wide. I can also see my scalp from the front. Never really cared for it until a friend (who is balding himself) pointed it out. Nobody in my family has gone bald and I have a head full of hair, so maybe I'm being a bit paranoid. Have never...
  2. J

    Is My Hairline Maturing Or Definitely Receding?

    Noticed a part of my hairline has thinned quite a bit lately. Also been under an immense amount of stress in the last few months. And then when I noticed my hairline was thinning it shot my stress up even higher. It’s started thinning on the right side more so than the left. Anybody know if it’s...
  3. S

    Thinking About Starting Minoxidil On Thinning Temples Have A Few Questions Please Answer

    Please guys answer I'm real clueless 1. If i start minoxidil and then stop using it. Will it make the healthy hair dependent on it ?(like when you stop you end up real worse than baseline) 2.has it ever happened that someone used minoxidil and ended up far worse that baseline (for example they...
  4. B

    Need Help Desperate Situation Related To Hair Loss I Have To Fight

    Hi guys.I live In Frankfurt Germany,and had immense trouble looking for a finesteride prescription.I am currently 23 and I have quite strong hair loss(diffuse thinning).I finally found a doctor who would prescribe me finesteride and he said if this works it would slow down my hairloss. So with...
  5. A

    Is This Receding/thinning, Please Help

    Hi, recently just noticed this and was just a little scared, would be nice if you guys told me if this was a problem like receding or anything like that. Thank you
  6. P

    Massive Shed 9 Months Into Treatment In Area With No Previous Hair Loss

    Hi, This is my first thread as a new member and I'm looking for some advice/encouragement. I'm 22 years old 10 months ago I started using rogain twice a day as instructed for a receding hairline, I wasn't losing hair anywhere else but the recession was slightly noticeable. Nothing much...
  7. P

    Terrified Of Minoxidil Second Shed On Aereas Not Directly Applied To

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and looking for some advise/encouragement with my current hair program. Iv been on minoxidil for around 10 months now, I started it for my receding hairline with no noticible hairloss elsewhere. 10 months in and for the last month i have been shedding huge amounts of...
  8. S

    Worrying For No Reason Or Not? Please Help.

    Hi, I'm 16 years old and I don't know if its because I only started caring about my hair last year or not but I'm not sure if my hairline is getting worse. I can't tell if my hairline now is healthy or not. Help would be greatly appreciated. I'm chinese if that explains the way my hairline looks.
  9. S

    Hair At Different Density? 16 Year Old Hair Loss?

    Hi, Im posting this because I've been wary of my hairline for about a year now, most people says it's hairline maturing and I'm not sure what that means but hair that does fall is at different density. Would greatly appreciate knowledge on this subject. If there is any other pictures needed...
  10. N

    Is It Balding Or Hopefully Just Something Else...

    im 19 and I barely started to notice the significance of a receding hairline. After a few months of not paying attention I noticed a difference today. Last time I cut my hair was around November and I never had this before. I thought it could've been maybe dandruff but then I saw that the other...
  11. S

    Thinning Sides For A 15 Year Old? Please Help.

    Hey I'm posting this because I'm only 15 years old and most of my family like cousins on both sides of my family are my age or older and still have hair that isn't thick and luscious. My brother has thinned and I'm scared this is the start of me thinning. Which is confusing because my dad only...
  12. alexpie2

    19 with very notiecable thinning this usual male pattern baldness? (pics)

    Hi everyone, I am 19 years old and for the past few years my hair has been falling out. Recently I have had family members take notice of my hair and I decided to buzz it. Now I feel like the hair loss/thinning is even more noticeable and I am getting really scared for people judging me at...
  13. L

    Am I balding?

    Hi everyone. Let me start by saying that I have nothing against baldness. If a guy goes bald that doesn't look like me, it doesn't matter at all. Girls usually don't care much and hair is just kind of a novelty for them or something in my experience. Still, my hair makes me. My hair is thick...
  14. N

    Only 20 years old. Erectile Dysfunction? Propecia?

    Hi guys. Ive been on Propecia for about a year and 2 months now. A year ago I was sat down by a hair loss dr, his name was Dr. Leonard who lives where I do in Boston, MA. Anyway, would I say it has helped my hair loss? I would like to think so. I've been using rogaine with this pill for a...
  15. B

    Am I Balding? ( Please Help! )

    I am a 25, soon to be 26 year old multi-racial male. My hair is naturally wavy, if not curly, and somewhat fine. My father at 62 has a stable hairline from what I can see, as do his brothers. I'm not sure about his father or uncles ( He keeps his hair buzzed though ). The possibility of...