
sensitivity of scalp

  1. N

    Sensitive Skin: Looking For A Breathable Systems & Skin-kind Glue/tape

    Hi everyone, This is my first post on this forum. I recently bought a poly Hair System which was bonded to my scalp using Ghost Bond and a little tape. Three days after I purchased the system I had to have it removed due to an overwhelming feeling of my head feeling trapped under the system...
  2. M

    Do I Suffer Of Pattern Balding? I’m 18

    Hi! Under the last 6 months I realized that my hair is thinning. In the last month I’ve been battling with dandruff and I can’t use anti-dandruff shampoos like Head and Shoulders because my scalp is very sensitive. Also, the crown of my head is always itchy and it sometimes hurts. Is this a...
  3. C

    Sensitivity of scalp

    It seems to me that different areas on my scalp-when trying the "pull test" have different sensitivity levels. The pull test is when you try to pull hairs to see if they come out easy which indicate early signs of hair loss. Is this pull test irrelevant? I've read on some websites that it can...