
sexual side effects

  1. B

    Help with topical finasteride side effects. with blood measurements

    So I have tried oral finasteride many times in many variations and dosages. 1.25mg, 1mg, 0.5mg, 0.25mg, 0.25mg EOD. I always got the same sexual side effects which are: libido significantly reduced but that in itself is not the great issue, the biggest issue is the severe erectile dysfunction. not as in...
  2. M

    Proposed explanation of lasting dysfunctions from finasteride or dutasteride

    This explanation proposes that dysfunctions arise from microvascular breakdown and inflammation leading to tissue damage in one or more systems: A proposed explanation of lasting dysfunctions after use of finasteride or dutasteride
  3. B

    Help: Erectile Dysfunction 1 Month Into Finasteride

    I am 28 years old and I first noticed changes to the sensation on my penis within the first few days of starting 1mg Finasteride (I posted about it on this forum). Now, almost 1 month into therapy, I have been experiencing pretty drastic erectile dysfunction since that time (~3 weeks) that has...
  4. Drextez

    5 Weeks On Minoxidil , But Losing Sex Drive/desire/weak Erections/0% Morning Wood.

    I've been using kirkland minoxidil 5% foam only 1 application a day ( before bed) with good results, i have diffused thinning and im 20 years old. But i think i lost ALOT of sex drive and desire to have sex, even thoughts about women ( also 0% morning erections/ morning wood) but i dont even...
  5. J

    17m Minoxidil Sexual Sides? Worried Af

    this might be stupid as everyone says minoxidil doesnt have sexual sides, but some of you may have some good advices, and sorry for my bad english. (when i started minoxidil i wasnt worried at all and i didnt even know some hair drugs might give u sides) im 17 turning 18 in a week, i started...
  6. I

    Managing The Sides Of finasteride: Weakness, Cramps, Mental Fog, Dose Every Other Day

    44yo. Hair loss on vertex. Sharing insight: Been taking 1.25 mg finasteride for 1 year and it has helped stop the shedding and grew some. The only sides I get is weakness, muscle cramps, and mental fog. Some low libido. I try to balance sexual sides with supplements: Macca and Tonkat Ali plus Ginseng...
  7. A

    Propecia - Side Effects or No?

    Hey all, Before I begin, I want to ask that anyone who has used Propecia without any problems please speak up. If you had problems, speak up too, but those who have not had problems especially speak up. I started reading up on finasteride and there have been a lot of outspoken people who have a...