

  1. recedingornot87

    Anyone Here Got Less Sides With Topical finasteride Compared To Oral?

    Ive been taking oral finasteride for 10 months now and am now stopping due to sides. Im switching to topical finasteride 0.1% to see if that will lower the sides. Do any of you have experience with making this switch? I understand that the topical can go systemic as well but it may not be to as high of a...
  2. R

    No Pattern Baldness But What’s Wrong With My Hair?!

    I’ve recently been to a doctor and a few months later (3 days ago) have been to a hair loss specialist and they’ve both said I’m not receding or have signs on male pattern baldness so don’t leave comments on that please. I was wondering if my hair on the side looks thin/ further back above my...
  3. P

    Urgent Help Needed With Finasteride Side Effects

    I've been on finasteride for about 3 weeks now, and today sgit had been hitting the fan. I've felt really unwell today, whether or not that's due to finasteride I don't know, I've felt hot, sick, had horrible head aches, and also occasionally feeling spaced out. For the past week or so I've felt...
  4. 2

    Stopping Finasteride After Incredible 3 Month Results (Needing Advice)

    Hi All, Yesterday, after 90 days on Finasteride, I made the unfortunate decision to stop taking it. First off, it truly did regrow my hair at an unbelievable rate, that I cannot deny. My hair now is stronger than ever. In fact, it is so strong and thick that I actually struggle to comb it due...
  5. D

    Does RU cause floaters ?

    Hi, I've been on RU58841 (1ml per day 5%) for 2 months now and we just diagnosed me floaters in the left eye. (I'm 23). Considering RU can already affect eyesight with blurry vision (which I didn't experienced) I was wondering if it could be the responsible. Thanks in advance for your answers.
  6. S

    Propecia and Prostatitis?

    Hi guys, Well I am in a bit of a bad place at the moment and really was looking for some advice / feedback and some help. I took Propecia (Finasteride) for male pattern baldness from January 2010 until April 2013, so just over three years. I was taking 1mg per day, as prescribed by a hair...
  7. F

    Can someone tell me th

    Treatment to my bald spot? I recently starting balding from only one side of my head. It started about 2 months ago, at first it wasn't a big deal at all but now it's really getting to me. It's stressing me out. The only thing I've tried is crome hair food. I have a couple tiny thin hair coming...
  8. N

    Stopped propecia

    Hey ive recently stopped propecia due to some sides such as very low sex drive, extreme brain fog and depression. Ive also had a increase in oil on my face which is very bothersome no matter what i do my face is constantly shiny.. I was on propecia for 8 months and stopped a week and a half ago...