

  1. K

    What (my) topical finasteride sides could mean. Dancing on the blind side of the studies. Thoughts?

    Hi everyone, This is my first post, after being reading the forum from almost the start of my treatment, 5 years ago, with topical finasteride and minoxidil. I had some experience with topical finasteride that maybe some of you, that know a lot about hormonal system, pharmacokinetics and such...
  2. K

    Topical finasteride: Sides, microdose, and some experiences

    Hi everyone, This is my first post, after being reading the forum from almost the start of my treatment, 5 years ago, with topical finasteride and minoxidil. I'm writing this in case someone could come to a conclusion about topics like topical finasteride vs oral, sides, and minimum effective...
  3. E

    Propecia Side Effects Right Away (7 words)

    I took first Propecia pill and like 20 minutes afterwards my dick started to feel wierd. Not sure if it’s my anxiety about side effects doing it or finasteride. Seems odd sides would start that fast. Been 3 days now and it’s kinda the same. Feels wierd down there. Thoughts? Note I have issue...
  4. sonictemples

    Possibly Mitigating The Side Effects Of Propecia

    I won't get much into the sides because we all know the controversy. That being said I believe some individuals have sides on Propecia and wanted to share an idea of mine. Now, we know that finasteride is cumulative so using topical won't help us out much long term. Unless we can find a way...
  5. sonictemples

    How Microdosing Can Decrease The Chances Of Getting Sides?

    From what I've seen, even 0.2 mg of finasteride still can inhibit a great amount of DHT. That being said, how do people see less side effects if the DHT inhibition is sooo close to 1 mg and 5 mg? May...
  6. T

    (help) Thinning Hair On The Sides, What Does It Mean? (20years Old)

    As you can see there is a patch of hair that is definetly thinner then the rest of my hair. What does it mean? Is it a sign of androgenic alopecia? Should I get on a special treatment? Ty for your answers
  7. D

    I Have Never Took A Hair Loss Medication Before, Should I Go To finasteride First Or Jump Straight Into dutasteride?

    Pretty much what's on the title, are the possible more sides worth it in order to have potential regrowth or to more effectively stop further hair loss? Or there’s not a lot of difference between the sides of both of them? Would like to know your advice, thanks.
  8. B

    Experienced An Uncommon Dutasteride Side Effect - Decreased Flow Of Urine

    Since starting dutasteride 2 years ago, I have often had dribbling of urine. Almost symptoms of BPH that dutasteride/finasteride and designed to treat. I'm late 20s and never had BPH or anything like this. Anyone else had this type of symptom? Wondering if my body responds poorly to these meds since it hasn't helped...
  9. BigOl'BaldingHead

    Any Users That Succefully Switched From Oral To Topical Finasteride Due To Sides?

    Topical finasteride is said to be a 'safer' alternative than oral. But I don't know how that can be true since even with an 0.1% formulation and 10% absorbtion rate, 0.1mg will still go into the bloodstream. Which will have about the same effect on DHT serum as 0.25mg or 1mg finasteride. So how...
  10. B

    Will Finasteride Affect Adult Development? (21)

    Hey guys, 21 Y/o relatively new to admitting that I'm losing my hair badly enough at the crown to intervene and fresh starter of Finasteride (1mg) as of today. I have enough hair that if I respond as well as a lot of others have, it may become hardly noticeable or at least buy me a few extra...
  11. recedingornot87

    How Do I Know If My Side Effects Are Real(nsfw)?

    So ive been on propecia for 6 months. I stopped taking it for 2 weeks thinking I could just maintain with rogaine. I was wrong and am a dumbass. In only 2 weeks I went back to regularly losing over 100 hairs per shower. At my peak hairloss I was losing over 400 hairs per shower in the summer and...
  12. R

    Your Constant Worrying = Side Effects

    I just wanted to say, since this forum is riddled with speculations, theories and horror stories. If you are starting/taking a new regime just stop looking for problems, that is the worst thing you can do and this is proven by science over and over again. If you are taking minoxidil/finasteride or even some...
  13. O

    Is This What All Men With male pattern baldness Will Experience? Ignore the dumb tattoo on it, but is this how much hair loss all men with male pattern baldness will experience or end up with on the back and sides? Or is this a really extreme case?
  14. H

    Stopped finasteride Due To Ed - Go Back At Lower Dose?

    Hello Firstly I'd like to say thank you to the users of this forum. I have found it a very useful resource over the last few months and have just signed up. Shortly before I found this forum, I tried taking 1mg generic finasteride once per day and after just over a week, I found I...
  15. J

    Hair Thinning On Sides And Moving Upwards

  16. P

    Quitting Heavy Marijuana Use, And Worsened Sides

    Hi all. I'm looking for some advice. I've known about the side effects of finasteride since well before starting the drug around two years ago. They scared me, but I was even more scared of hairloss, so I got my prescription. I've been consuming copious amounts of marijuana for even longer...
  17. vinnievandall

    How Long Can It Take For Finasteride Sides To Go Away?

    Hi, a few months ago i started finasteride 1/mg a day but got sever sides like ED, ball ache, zero libido and a hard reddish flacid. i went of after one month and the sides disappeared after 2 weeks. people recommended me to try finasteride on a lower dose so i started finasteride 0.25/mg eod...
  18. recedingornot87

    Noticing Sides On finasteride After 1 Week. How Should I Proceed?

    Ive been on finasteride for a week now and here is what happened so far. I assure you that there is no nocebo effect here as I went in with a positive mindset and I still do believe that for most people finasteride will not do any harm. 1. My hair fall hasn't stopped. Still easily 300+ hairs in the...
  19. M

    Finasteride 3 On 1 Off Cycle Trigger Pfs?

    Hey people, Im german ( sadful) and was registered in the most famous german hair loss forum. They claimed that i should cycle Finasteride to avoid Tolerance. I took 2 Years Popecia without Cycling and without any Sides. But after 2 Months of cycling it like taking 3 Weeks and 1 Week off ( they...
  20. L

    Finasteride, Sides And Depression - Asking For Advices

    So alright, I started to take finasteride around June 2015, had higher libido for first 2-3 weeks, then problems with erection for 3-4 and after that I though that it came back to normal. Around Febuary-March 2016 I started to see that something's wrong. Well - my libido was quite low. I...