

  1. F

    Hair Loss, Thinning And Sore/burning Scalp

    I’ve been experiencing a bit of hair loss for the past 2 months or so. Over the recent weeks I feel it’s becoming more and more and I’m noticing thinning around my hairline and top of head. I’m now experiencing a very sore and itchy scalp, it almost feels like my scalp is burning. I’m struggling...
  2. H

    Desperately Seeking Help Regarding Inflammation and Further Advice

    Hey All, I've been on Finasteride for five months now and have not had any luck what-so-ever, with only a dramatic increase in hair loss. Last April I noticed my temples thinning, so I went to a doctor who immediately prescribed me Finasteride. I was only shedding maybe 10 noticeable hairs a...