
tellogen effluvium

  1. B

    Still thin/miniaturised? 6 mo 0.5mg finasteride...up the dosage and bring in Min to thicken?

    Hey everyone, As the title mentions, I've been on finasteride for the past 6months (0.5mg every other day for the first 5 months, every day for the past one month). I know it's still relatively early in the timeline but given that time is against me and I'm not seeing any thickness gains - perhaps I...
  2. S

    Male Pattern Baldness Or Telogen Effluvium

    Hey, I am currently 19 years lost and lost a good amount of hair (from scalp and temples). If it’s important, I’m of south asian descent (indian/Pakistani). I first started noticing that I lost some hair was in the summer when I was 18. I had gotten a haircut and the lack of hair in certain...
  3. V

    Help Needed In Diagnosing Hair Loss (pictures Included)

    Hi! I have noticed a considerable amount of hair loss at the temple and on the top of my head in past couple of months. I am confused as to whether this is male pattern hair loss or is it caused by the extreme levels of stress I faced recently or my abnormal blood test results. I have been...
  4. M

    Going Bald At 21? Could It Be male pattern baldness Or Telogen Effluvium?

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on here so please bear with me! I would greatly appreciate some insight from those who have experienced/are familiar with hair loss. I am a 21 year old male and I have been noticing a decline in the volume of my hair over the past 1.5 years. Around March of...
  5. J

    Tellogen Effluvium Or Male Pattern Baldness

    I believe I have male pattern baldness as I've been shedding a good amount for about 6 months. I'm 19 and my mom's side has some balding but none really started this young. A dermatologist did a biopsy on me about 3 months ago and said I had "signs of Telogen Effluvium". Which it may have started as Telogen Effluvium but I...
  6. J

    Unidentified Reason For Hair Loss, male pattern baldness Or Else?

    Hi all, First, I'd like to give you some background on my story with hair loss hopefully you can help me identify the reason. I'm a 33 years old healthy male, I started noticing slight hair loss when I was around 28-29. I never thought to start any treatment because I felt like it was normal...
  7. C

    Have You Seen This Type Of Hair Loss Before?

    Hey there, just wondering if anyone here knows if this type of hair loss with multiple hairs from the same follicle attached to a clump of skin/sebum is characteristic of seborrhea dermatitis of the scalp? There appears to be no visible bulb also. I have been suffering with seborrhea dermatitis...
  8. J

    Help! 22 Yr Old With Thinning Hair. Not Sure What To Do.

    Hi guys, Around Feb this year I noticed that I had more hair than normal shedding from the top of my head to the point that I realised that something was different (Ive paid a lot of attention to my hair growing up). My hair has always been very thick and strong but as I said around Feb I found...