

  1. Bora

    During the social life, which norwood scale do I look like ?

    I didn't wash and set my hair for days and today I realized my receding temples are too obvious rather than when I do a comb over, so according to the pictures which Norwood stage do I look like ? Will it be too obvious that I'm balding during the social life ? P.S.: I'm 23. My regimen is...
  2. G

    Is This A Mature Hairline Or Receding?

    So I’m just trying to figure out if my hairline is just a maturing hairline or not. I’m 23 rn and the black and white photo is from when I was 19 and the blonde is from 20. My father never really had any hair loss. But he passed at 58 and if I remember correctly he didn’t go passed a Norwood 2 but my...
  3. L

    Looking For Advice On Topical Finasteride

    I know topical finasteride isn't well looked upon due to its much lower success rate, but due to some pretty shite sides whilst taking oral it seems to be my only option. Anyways, I'm about 2 months into using Morr F Topical finasteride 0.01%, have had a pretty bad shed, which hasn't ceased...
  4. E

    What Is Happening To My Hairline?!!

    I’m 18 years old and have noticed my hair has been different when styling it over the last couple year or so. I never thought I would have a receding hairline because my moms side has no baldness and my dad is 50 with just a small crown bald spot and some overall thinning. I’m scared as I don’t...
  5. K

    Early Stages Of male pattern baldness 25 Year Old (temple Recession)?

    Hi all, I posted a few weeks back and didn't get many responses. From 1/25/18: "New member here. I am a 25 year old male, and have been concerned about hair loss since May 2017. A little family history: My mother has a full head of hair My mother's father has hairloss My mother's fathers...
  6. R

    Someone Please Help. 15 And Thinning??

    I’m 15 years old. I’ve never met my dad butI’m sure he doesn’t have a receding hairline (just mature). My brother has a very good hairline (he’s 26) and my grandfather and uncle have hair. I was wondering if my hair is thinning out on one side? (Right side) I know it’s not receding as such now...
  7. D

    21 years old w/ tempels. NW7 pattern?

    Im a soon to be 22 year old man wich have started loosing my tempels (think its a litthe thinner on the middle of my head as well).. I started thinking about it early, maybe when I was 18 or so, but it wasnt any bad back then. Last year i started to worry a bit more and started to read about...
  8. D

    21 yrs - need help on considering minoxidil

    Hi! Im a 21 years old, and started to think about hairloss around 3 years ago when I was around 18 because of my tempels. I had a crazy shed for about half a year ago and thought more and more about the situation after that. I have now used keto shampoo for a month, and added finasteride to my...