
temple thinning

  1. S

    Male 21 (receding?) , honest opinions?

    The first photo was the only 1 i could find in my gallery and it s 7 monts ago (i m sorry for the quality), it may be useless but i posted it anyway. My worst concern is about the temples that seem thin to me and they look very bad under the light. Also i ve thin short hair on tenples that won...
  2. S

    (M20) uneven hairline concerns, opinions?

    Just looking for opinions. I ve never been concerned about my hairline so i don't have any pictures of the past year, especially because my hairstyle used to cover the hairline. The situation seems to be different in every picture but they ve all been taken the same day.
  3. D

    19, Possibly Worst Hairline Known To Man.

    Had an INSANELY huge forehead my entire life, basically had the same hairline since as far back as I can remember. Lately I’ve noticed it kinda looks thin at temples. What’s your take on it? EDIT: I’ve included a picture of my hairline when i was about 6 years old. Please note this image as, in...
  4. W

    Concerned With My Temples: They Look Thinner Than My Forelock.

    Alright so I’m 20 and my father isn’t receded too badly at 50 (NW2). Maternal grandfathers hair bit it at around 25, he was a NW4 or NW5. He eventually got to a NW6. Anyways I’ve lost the juvenile hairline and I’ll post pics below. Juvenile hairline: Here’s what we’re working with now...
  5. W

    Can Someone Tell Me If I'm Losing Hair At My Temples

    I'm 18 year old and recently i noticed that i was shedding a bit of hair during this winter. I also noticed that the left side of my hair lookes a little thin. This isn't happening on my right temple though. Just wanted toknow if I might be losing hair or if it's just a bald spot.
  6. G

    [update] Anyone See A Concerning Pattern In My Hairline?

    Maternal grandfather is a NW5-6 Dad is a NW2 at 50 Hairloss started at 18.25is, currently 19.75 August 2016: May 2018 Is the hair right near the edge of my temple more brown than the rest of my hair that is black? It looks lighter. Today: Wet (I think it covers the thinning on my...
  7. W

    Am I Going Bald? Constantly Obsessing

    never really noticed my hairline until about 2 years ago when I got my hair styled. been obsessed with my hairline ever since. said something to my hairdresser and she couldn't stop laughing and said my hair was "super thick" I'm 26 pics are from 2016-2018
  8. J

    Been Losing Hair For 7 Years, Time To Do Something

    Hello, I am 37 and have 2 kids. After the delivery of each child, I lost my hair in handfuls. With the last child, 7 years ago, it never returned to normal. I've always had "stick-straight" hair that is very fine and flat in texture, but there was a lot of it. Currently, it is still straight...