
thinning male young

  1. E

    Plentiful Hair Loss And Thinning Crown

    For couple months I noticed disturbing hair loss during washing head, my hands are literally filled with lots of hair, unlike before. Almost last month I went to trichologist, she said that there is some hair loss and it is too greasy. I did blood tests and all seems to be fine expect TSH...
  2. M

    19. Am I Thining? Or Over Reacting?

    Im 19 yrs old and i want to know if my hair is thinning. First pic was 2016. 2nd is today with close up. 3rd was 3 months ago, about the same with 4th. Do i just have a big forehead? The hair on the side of my head was always thin with few like that for as long as i can remember(even 3 years...
  3. austintheberg

    Is This A Maturing Hairline? Is That Even Real?

    so I've been freaking out about hair loss for about two years, pretty much since my senior year of high school (I'm 20 now). It's led to me somewhat accepting the fact that I may be balding/thinning, and because of this I've recently shaven my head completely bald just out of curiosity. It...
  4. S

    27 Yo Male With Norwood 4 Baldness. Need Advice.

    Hi I am a 27 yo male and have been losing hair for almost last 10 years. I didn't care about my hair loss for a long time as I wasn't fully aware of what male pattern baldness is and how it will progress but after having lost quite some hair, I feel a bit worried about the situation. Anyway, I...
  5. austintheberg

    Have I Reached A Norwood 2? 20 Years Old

    Have seen noticeable recession in the past month or two and have been shedding like crazy. It's strange how it's changed shape in only a couple of months. Getting in touch with a dermatologist around my area is a major pain so it's looking like it will get worse until I can get on some kind of...
  6. Scrooge McDuck

    Help With Understanding My Hairloss

    hi, i have recently noticed diffusive thinning hair. so i did a ''hair loss blood test'' and here are my results: iron__________14.9 µmol/l (5.9 - 34.5) vitamin B12 _286 pmol/l (145 - 569) ferritin ECLIA __89.7μg/l (30.0 - 400.0) TSH...
  7. V

    Different Foods That Help Thicken Men's Hair

    Hello! I am fairly new to this forum. Recently, my boyfriend and I had a long discussion about solutions to thicken hair. It went on for about 30-45 minutes and we tried to do research on Google for an answer but we could not find anything substantive. He believes there are some great topical...
  8. M

    Is This Telogen Effluvium, male pattern baldness, Or Both?

    Hey. I'm 20 years old, in the past 2 weeks mostly, I've been noticing my hair shedding a lot more than it ever has. About a month ago, or two months ago I would have practically no hair falling off my head. In the beginning/mid of January, I went through an extremely stressful period...
  9. K

    What Kind Of Hair Loss Do I Have? And Can I Grow More Hair?

    Ok, so I just turned 16 last week, and I've been losing my hair ever since October or November of 2015. I always use to have a thick head of hair, i mean seriously, my hairline hadn't even receded much. And my hairline still hasn't receded much, but overall my hair is getting much thinner, and I...
  10. J

    [22] Certain Of Male Pattern Baldness. But How Bad Will It Be?

    Hi! 22M here. Noticed my hair loss at the age of 17. Family: paternal grandfather had a receded V hairline by 32, my father by 30. Neither went bald and stopped as NW3 for years. My grandfather is 80 and has the same hairshape but diffused. Dad is 60 with a full head of hair, except for same...
  11. D

    I Need To Be Sure It's Happening! 27 Year Old Need Help!!!!

    I recently had my hair cut fairly short, I've had long hair god the last 10 years, decided to have it cut off but I'm freaking out in going bald now! Because I can see my scalp! Some one let me know what's happening?!! Photos include daylight and wet and dry hair Cheers
  12. R

    19, hair thinning on top - best treatment for me?

    My hairline begun to recede shortly after my 18th birthday in December 2014, but only very slightly such that nobody noticed, and there was no noticeable change for about 8 months. After beginning university in October 2015, as well as a general increase in the extent of my receding hairline...
  13. J

    So how bad is my hair thinning?

    I'm 19 years old and I noticed my scalp thinning about 5 months ago. It hasn't gotten much worse but I don't know if it is MPHL or hopefully just from me losing around 15 pounds in 3 months or from hypothyroidism (getting blood tests to confirm soon). I have no receding hairline or any hair loss...
  14. R

    My experience with finasteride was great but I would like to get your opinions

    Hi guys this has been my problem since I was 14, my left side of my head has thin hairs while on the right is opposite and now I begin to see small tiny thin hairs falling out. I got to finasteride and nizoral with a multivitamins and it stopped but now I stopped taking those three and it got back to...
  15. R

    My experience with finasteride

    Hi guys this has been my problem since I was 14, my left side of my head has thin hairs while on the right is opposite and now I begin to see small tiny thin hairs falling out. I got to finasteride and nizoral with a multivitamins and it stopped but now I stopped taking those three and it got back to...
  16. R

    Finasteride 1 month

    19 YEARS OLD HERE I'm on budget and rogaine is quite expensive for me for maintenance This is what my hair looks like (after bath so it's kinda wet), as you can see we can see early signs of thinning Will finasteride and Nizoral help? These photos were taken a mont 2 months ago(not on...
  17. D

    Help me with your opinion please!

    Hi, I`m only 18 and about 18 months ago I started to experience hair loss all across my head. I can`t really tell if I`m on the norwood scale or not. Also I can`t really see any miniaturization going on apart from the edge of my hairline but some people say that it is normal for hair strands to...
  18. J

    19 Years Old And Hair Loss. Hair trasnplant possible?

    19 Years Old And Hair Loss. Hair transplant possible? Hello I am 19 years old and I have noticed my hairline to be receding since I was about 16 but now it has gotten to the point where it is starting to affect me emotionally and socially mainly due to the early maturing of my hairline and...
  19. J

    Joe Here Thinning at 23(pics attached)

    Im Joe, Male, 23, natural brown hair and desperately seeking advice I am experiencing sever thinning and without sounding shallow my hair was the only thing going for me and I am/was known to having a good head of hair. I have made silly mistakes with my hair in the pass believing it was...