

  1. D

    8 month update on finasteride, my hairline is hurting

    Been taking finasteride for 8 months, 3x a week 1 mg. All photos are of the right temple (in order: before finasteride, 5 month update, 8 month updates), the 8 month hairline is way worse: Well, my hairline has taken a beating this last month. It's like I suddenly woke up with a Norwood 3 with velus hairs...
  2. Zach Loar

    Finasteride 3 Month Update! (with Photos Below)

    Today marks the day of me taking Finasteride for 3 months straight. Been using minoxidil for almost 1 year, dermaroll 0.5mm for 4 months and finasteride for 3 months. I tried to take as accurate photos as I could, but the photos don't really do my hair justice. Started noticing recently after...
  3. S

    Tsuji, Organ Technologies, Riken Update (march 06 2019) Discussion

    Hi everyone, I'm sorry if this is an annoying kind of post (I'm new to this) but I have some questions about this writeup: -Trials start in 2020, how long do clinical trials take? Since it's Japan, would it just be a...
  4. N

    Norwood Cemetery's Hairloss Regimen(nw2, 20 Yo, Awful Right Temple)

    My hairloss progression so far: Lost my NW0 quickly at 17 and moved to NW1. At 18 my right temple reached Nw1.5 while left temple stayed the same. I tried minoxidil but had to quit due to sides(acne, dark circles) 2 months ago I buzzed my head and hairloss had progressed to NW2.25 on the right...
  5. N

    Hairstyles Make A Difference In How Bald I Look Or Is It The Hairloss?

    These are my hairstyles from 2017 to 2018. I see the temples start to disappear. Some look worse than others. My doctor (gp not a derm) said I don't have hair loss and just a widow's peak. I have never had a widow's peak, ever. I honestly think he is wrong. The guy sucks bc he us in 50s...
  6. S

    New Here And Need Advice To My Hair Treatment

    Update at end of current thread hello I’m new here and from the UK. I’m worried about my hair....hence being here... my hair has always been fine but recently I have noticed it’s very thin at the top. The hairdresser said I have nothing to worry about but on photos I can see a bald patch but...
  7. R

    2 months finasteride (on/off) and 3 weeks 2% nizoral

    update 2 months (on/off) finasteride with 3 weeks 2% nizoral My hair length on may is like 2 inches taller than my hair on July tho ALL WET HAIR [May 24 , 2015] [May 24 , 2015] july [18, 2015] july [ 18,2015 ]
  8. S


    Hey guys, Here's my story, I had another thread called " Finasteride 2 months" with about the same story. But i decided to keep updating my results. Anyway been receding since i was about 14 (now 20). Nothing really heavy though, i would consider myself an Norwood 2- maybe even 1,5 if i wouldnt have...