
widow peak

  1. T

    Hairline Is Either Receding Or Maturing From It's Already High Start?

    So my hair has always been crazy thick, however I am starting to get anxious about the hairline, I went to the GP and he kind of laughed and said I had a good head of hair, and everyone around me says that as well (friends family, Reddit etc). But I can't help feeling my hairline is creeping...
  2. P

    Is My Line Of Hair Good? Window's Peak?

    Is my line of hair good? always like this, at least since I've been following There are a few pictures to see Thanks to everyone who will respond not spam.
  3. D

    17 And Showing Early Signs Of Balding

    Hi, I’ve had a widows peaked hairline (or at least noticed it) since i was 11 which was a very strong V but now at 17 i’ve noticed it’s definitely gotten more pronounced (sides have risen). both my mums side and my dads side of the family have hair, albeit both sets of grandparents feature...
  4. A

    I Need Someone To Help Me W/ My Questions

    Hello, I'm new here. I'm 15 years old and I just have a few questions that no one has answered for me. 1. I have a widows peak and I know it's genetics because my mother and grandmother both have it still. But I saw a post that said widows peak is a sign of balding? 2. I would like to mention...
  5. Onepunchman45

    Is A Widows Peak A Sign Of Hairloss?

    I've been reading some articles and almost all of them mention that. Widows peak is sign of hair loss and that you will eventually go bald is this true? Also can someone tell me what this split is my hair?
  6. S

    Balding Or Mature Hairline, Hairline Formed A V

    So this has been happening since about 19 I’m 22 now, my hairline changed from sorta straight to receded at the sides of the top of my head. It’s worse on one side but my hairline was always uneven. My dad has a widows peak and has had it most of his life that’s what I think I’m getting but I...
  7. S

    Do I Have Widow Peak Or I Am Balding?

    I am turning 21 yrs old this year. I've noticed more about my hair as i become older. I'm trying to figure out whether this is beginning of my baldness or just a widow peak. 2 of my older brother is balding with widow peak, while the other 1 still have quite thick head of hair on top. The two...