I was previously a HairDirect direct customer and got royally screwed by them. I started using HollywoodLace but I feel that the quality isnt what hairdirect was and the customer service has been horrible. My last two systems I paid for the super rush 4-6 weeks and both times it took 3 months to...
FUE performed on a female patient (53) with
• Ludwig II-III
• Donor density of 88 FU/cmÇ occipital, 80 FU/cmÇ parietal, 76 FU/cmÇ temporal
• Hair diameter of ~ 52-56 microns
Treatment plan
Follicular Unit Extraction to rethicken the hairline and midhead section.
Performed procedure
Hi all,
Hopefully I'm not unwelcome here. I'm a woman but I have some male pattern hair loss that I've been dealing with.
I had two scalp advancements which greatly improved the situation but I still need transplants to fill out the corners.
Because of my two previous surgeries my surgeon...
hi all,
I'm a 35 year old woman. Growing up I had ridiculously thick hair that I literally had thinned with a razor at the salon.
Not the case anymore!
I've always had thinner hairs at my temples. But over the last few years it went from my temples to my frontal hairline. My part looks...
FUT performed on 57-year old Caucasian female with
• Type Ludwig I
• Donor density of 80 FU/cm2
• Hair diameter of ~64-72 microns
Treatment plan
• Follicular Unit Strip to add more density to the hairline and restore the midhead section
Performed procedure (August 13th, 2012)
Follicular Unit...
For the past 2-3 years I've been experiencing hair loss within my hairline. I believe it first started when I was 14, and had serious OCD issues because of my social anxiety. I would pick at dried skin at my hairline, but a few months later when I realized it was causing the thinning at my...