1 year and 3 month update.... firkin shedding my @#$


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ok - in exactly 1 year and 3 months my hair has gone from this.....


to this


My whole head is seriously diffuse thinning now and it seems to be the worst wherever I put my meds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! used to just have a receeding hairline but my hair was really thick....

My entire head is becoming really thin and losing pigment at a rate of knots and I'm shedding over 200 hairs a day!

Just want to vent as no meds have helped me they've only farked my situation more quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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well I'll probably get flamed for my regime as I've changed it a few times in this period.

Always applied minoxidil a min of once a day....
the concerntrations have changed throughout the period from 5% at least once or twice daily to 12 or 15% once daily and 5% for the other application.
Dropped from the higher dose minoxidil as my hair literally blew out when I used this......

Was on finasteride for a period but got major sides.
Tried dutasteride for a short period but have not yet recovered from the sides this med threw at me (still got no libido and nothing I use is melting away the lumps under my nipples).

Current Regime - Since October I've been using Prox N in the morning with 1ml 5% minoxidil.
Evening Proxiphen with the prox N put where I'm less able to dab the proxiphen and about half a ml of minoxidil all over.
Sometimes at lunhc I might spray a bit of left over tricomin on my head as it seems to lesson any itching.
3 x a week I use the laser comb after shampoo and before any application of meds

Seem to have the worst sheds when I use Nizoral to shampoo.
Been losing hair aggressively for a good 3 months now.... with no signs of the old hairs growing back and if they are they're actually much thinner...

getting very worried........ "almost" desperate now...

problem is probably somewhat due to my changing regime.... but have had to do it this way as internals f#@$ked with me so much


Senior Member
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hey mate
your current regime seems good. Stick with it, you will go through low times but you just have to continue.... Things will get better but it takes time. Goodluck


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thanks goingat20 -

I understand that my continuously evolving regime is most likely to blame for my current super thin hair.....

I'm just wondering if others out there have had issues with products containing spironolactone like proxiphen has.....

only time will tell...... just hope there's something left so I can review my progress/downfall after using my current regime for a min of 6 months.... if not it'll be the shaved cojack look for me....
