1 year on the stuff.


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I am approaching one year (November 20th) on the big three and things are significantly better than they were at this time last year. The question I was wondering is how long before the effects of both the Xandrox and Propecia Max out or am I there?

I remember seeing the Propecia ad and they said that hair growth can occure up to 24mo and the twin on the website was on it for 18 months before they posted the results.

As for the Xandrox it is working well but did not achieve the level of fullness that Propecia did. The thinning area's I did have, though much improved still look like thin area's. I guess I just started to late for re-growth to occur in those area's. However the healthy areas are back to normal which is exciting.

Thoughts, funny stories or support gladly welcomed.


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drinkrum said:
Around the 12-24 month mark is where hair counts maximize.


Man, that seems like such a broad estimate. I am approaching my 1 year aniversary, and I hope you are right.