1 years update, getting alot worse help


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hi i have been using the big 3 (5%minoxidil, 1.25fin,3x week nizoral) but let's put it this way, at 5 month period a lot more hair than when i began my treatment (almost felt like i was cure) now at 1 year i have less hair than when i started the treatment, that's a big downside. so i need your help. i been shedding since the 5 month untiil now, non stop, i'm following the same schedule treatment has before, it seems that the shedding doesn't want to stop, i'm a diffusing thinning all over my head, but is worth mid to frontal (temple also) what else can i use, any of those pills works like msm, or l-argini, or goint with spironolactone 5% or back to xandrox 15% (which i stoped using it about 1 month after because i made a mistake, xandrox 15% is suppost to be use when there seems nothing else working)

when i pull my hair their always 3 or 4 hair in my finger, and my hair just look to weak, and it doesn't feel like is not growing anymore. i need to do something fast.


Senior Member
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This is a tough one.

I suggest you read some recent posts by a poster named "Bombscience"

Do you know how to use the search feature? You can look up his posts that way.


New Member
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If you suspect that your treatment may be making your hair loss worse, try taking 2 or 3 weeks off and then get back on it. It certainly wouldn’t hurt.