
10 months on Proscar - NO RESULTS!!


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I am so f*cking pissed off. For 10 months I have been day to day on 1mg of finasteride. I had a frontal hairloss with temple recession. I began as a NW2, who was just receeding at the temples, but evrwere else had thick hair. now I am a NW3 who has even more receeded temples + hair thinning in the front. finasteride hasn't even thickened my existent hair - all I see is from a week to week, new areas of thinning on my head. yeah, this is how finateride works for me.

I still intend to use it for full 12 months. but actaully, just for formality. I don't have hope for it to work anymore. I mean, tell me guys, should I have? Are there eny reports of people who actully have *seen* results from fina, even though for the 1st year they've seen none?

or can it already be just obvious for me that I am a non-responder, period! ?


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oh , and please don't tell me things like: "are you on nizoral and minoxidil?" (which I am) . My main dissapointment is with fina, so let's focus on that.


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Its real easy kid, just start using Nizoral and Minoxidil. Trust me! :lol:


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doesnt work for all people. I'd stop it right away if i were you

cosmo gene

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so the question is continue with finasteride or not?

I would personally add spironolactone and folligen and determine your results from there. You might be preventing yourself from a major accelerated hairloss by being on the propecia. You might need to up the octane with spironolactone and folligen though in order to get the umphhh of triumph. Good luck. I know its a tough call, however as long as you are not experiencing major propecia side effects I would hang in there with it.


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jinx83 said:
oh , and please don't tell me things like: "are you on nizoral and minoxidil?" (which I am) . My main dissapointment is with fina, so let's focus on that.

wow that's amazing, you can tell which one of your combined hairloss weapons is failing you!


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zak84 said:
jinx83 said:
oh , and please don't tell me things like: "are you on nizoral and minoxidil?" (which I am) . My main dissapointment is with fina, so let's focus on that.

wow that's amazing, you can tell which one of your combined hairloss weapons is failing you!

spare me the cynism, zaki-boy. I *can* tell you that finasteride is my biggest dissapointment, because it's what i have been using *the longest* of all. I added minoxidil and nizoral later, so i can't judge it yet.

and besides, your post doesn't make sense. Even if I had been using the big 3 from all the beginning and had the same "effects" as now, I *would* have been able to tell you that *none* of the big 3 is working, *finasteride including*. if you take finasteride, and still don't see results, than it's not working, despite what else you are using. it's pure logic, so think twice before you write anything.


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hey jinx

You might want to look into using some topical antiandrogens, say spironolactone, 17a-estradiol or even fluridil, as a *support* to finasteride.

You need to stabilize the miniaturising first, so I'd suggest a 2 or 3 prong approach.

1. Stick with finasteride, so we don't change too many variables at once.

2. Alternate spironolactone and 17a-estradiol on your hairline/temple area each night.

3. Look into trying fluridil - it's new and is only available from the Czech Repubilc, but if the study is to be believed, it should be a potent antiandrogen. You could give it a go on one temple alone for a few months and see if it help. I posted on how to get the stuff here. There was also a follow-up thread about its use here

4. Introduce some SOD/copper peptides - perhaps try tricomin/folligen and maybe treat your scalp to some aloe from time-to-time to keep it in good health.

5. Look into using retin-a - this has a couple of benefits, one of which that it'll aid minoxidil absorption and also act as a mild skin peel to clear dead skin layers. You could try Dr Lee's Xandrox Nite, which has retin-a (and also azelaic acid) added.

Your hairloss is recent so you have a very good chance of recovering what you've just lost, but IMO you need to hit it hard asap to halt miniaturisation in its tracks. A combination of the above should help do this.

Good luck :)


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hey, thanx funk.

actually, my regimen hasn't been so lame and modest as the big3.

1. I am planning still to stick to finasteride

2. I do use spironolactone - I have been using a homemade topical for over 3 months now. as you probably see, I see no results, but spironolactone has helped extremely with my acne so I'm hoping that it's till going to work. I thought of 17a-estradiol, but this stuff is so f*****g expensive, that I can't afford it.

3. Yeah, I'm all aware about fluridil and am all looking forward that. I live in Poland, not that far from Czech Rep. imho, and as far as I've researched Eucapil is in proces of registration and should be available in Poland by the end of this year. My only concern with fluridil is the whole water issue - you can't wash your hair! this is sick, with my excessive sebum production it's impossible due to hygienic aspects! I think fluridil makers imposed one of the *most stupid* solutions for a bio-degradating topical ever made!

4. it's gonna be hard with tricomin/folligen - again, the money , I'm just a poor student:/ But I have been using aloe vera gel for 2 months now. it's certainly good for scalp health! Actualy, few days ago i've also added topical GTE to my regimen, which supposed to be great anti-oxidant. I also added some GS for anti-infammation. I hope it works.

5. I have been using retina in the past, but I admit I have been a little sloppy with it. But few days ago, I decided to take the plunge, and give my scalp a good peel with it. (which you would see, if you saw me now:))

this year I have been using also some azelaic acid and zix on my head - didn't work quite well:/
oh, and I'm now about to start my 2nd month on 2x160mg of Saw Palmetto daily.


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don't worry about the fluridil hair washing issue - check out the follow-up thread link I put in my post above...

17a-estradiol is actually cheap stuff - you can get hold of 'Ell Cranell Alpha' from Merlonipharma ( - that's where you can also get very cheap dutasteride, btw.

It costs around 40EUR for 200ml which will last 3-4 months :)

Just drop them an email and they'll give you instruction. Loads of guys have used them - they're reliable and quick.