I am so f*cking pissed off. For 10 months I have been day to day on 1mg of finasteride. I had a frontal hairloss with temple recession. I began as a NW2, who was just receeding at the temples, but evrwere else had thick hair. now I am a NW3 who has even more receeded temples + hair thinning in the front. finasteride hasn't even thickened my existent hair - all I see is from a week to week, new areas of thinning on my head. yeah, this is how finateride works for me.
I still intend to use it for full 12 months. but actaully, just for formality. I don't have hope for it to work anymore. I mean, tell me guys, should I have? Are there eny reports of people who actully have *seen* results from fina, even though for the 1st year they've seen none?
or can it already be just obvious for me that I am a non-responder, period! ?
I still intend to use it for full 12 months. but actaully, just for formality. I don't have hope for it to work anymore. I mean, tell me guys, should I have? Are there eny reports of people who actully have *seen* results from fina, even though for the 1st year they've seen none?
or can it already be just obvious for me that I am a non-responder, period! ?