10 week update


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hi all,

started finasteride in june, thought i'll update you all. unfortunately, the update is not very uncouraging. i was shedding when i started finasteride which has continued, somedays worse than others. hair is really think now & i can see the scalp at many places. i've been using nizoral 2% every 2-3 days as well depending on how my scalp feels. it does become very oily pretty quick.
i hope it starts to get better soon. i was thinking, maybe some of you can answer my ques.
according to the studies conducted by merck etc they say __% maintained hair & __% regrew. does that mean ppl. shed & regrew those lost hair ? cuz i haven't read any mention of shedding in those studies !!


Senior Member
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If I remember correctly about 2/3 had more hairs after 5 years of treatment than before. But in these study the anterior region of the scalp wasn't considered. You say that your scalp is more oily; do you notice oily skin also on other parts of your body?


Established Member
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That's a good question. Is there ANY evidence to show that anyone in the clinical trials experienced shedding before they joined the 83% or people who saw positive results?


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i've noticed a huge drop in the oiliness of my scalp since starting propecia. in fact so far that is the only effect it has had,

furthermore i'm still to be convinced this topic of shedding has anything to do with Propecia.


Established Member
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EVERYONE says that until it happens to them.

Before finasteride, I had never noticed and excessive hair fallout of any kind, even while shower. And I looked.

3.5 months in, there are ten hairs on my hair every time I shampoo, and 3-4 just running my wet hand through it.

I don't think there's really any denying it, unless the Nizoral, which I started around the same time, is causing it... but that doesn't seem very likely to me.


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well i'm approaching my third month on the stuff, i hope i don't shed, it's funny that all the official sites make no mention of this.

The doctor i went to to get perscribed Propecia is himself on propecia, and has been for 5 years, he didn't say a word about it either.

if i shed then so be it, but i'm a doubting thomas just at the moment :)