10-year Stabilization, Now Need Advice On Transplant


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Hi all,

I would like to reach out for some advice on a potential hair transplant. Let me quickly present my case:

-started losing my hair very aggressively at age 19 (dad was Norwood 5 by age 22..)
-got straight onto Minoxidil 5%.
-Luckily was a good responder and things stabilized and I even got some regrowth.
-Five years later at age 24, I added 0.33mg of Finasteride to my regimen, and again got some minor added density.

Today I am 29 and would say my hair is overall thicker than it was at age 19! I still however have relatively deep temples, which have I think not changed much in the last 10 years. I am also lucky that I have absolutely no side effects from my medication and so see no reason things will change for the next 10 years at least. (multiple pictures below)

For all the above reasons, I believe I would be a good candidate to a hair transplant. I recently met with a surgeon in my town:

-My donor hair area is very thick
-I would need approx. 1’250 grafts to rebuild my frontal hairline

I am very excited to do this however also very nervous to chose the best surgeon for the best possible result (FUE of course). I am willing to pay the top price if it means having a better outcome. I live in Switzerland and have heard that Spain and Belgium have several good surgeons but that there can also be a waiting list of several years..

-Would such a top surgeon be worth the while for a “small operation” like mine?
-Looking at the IAHRS directory, I found Dr. Sever Muresanu in Switzerland, has anybody heard of him?
-I find it hard to differentiate on result pictures between good and bad transplants given starting situations are so different. Seems the industry isnt very transparent and hard to know who are the good surgeons?
-Are there any surgeons who specialize on the hairline?
-Finally, I have read that for an operation like mine, it is possible to do it without fully shaving my head.
-Would there be any disadvantages of such an approach?

Many thanks for your help,


19 vs 29 (1).jpg
19 vs 29 (2).jpg
19 vs 29 (3).jpg
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I would go to a top surgeon for sure man. U did very well on finasteride and minoxidil, nice results for 10 years. Got good hair still for a 29 year old.
I would pick FUE if i were you. However, i would advise u to not let waiting time or country be the deciding factor in choosing a surgeon.
Look at some of the reviews and results of some surgeons u are considering, meet with them and ask how many grafts they would use. Consider atleast 3-4 different surgeons.
Then pick the one u think will give u the best results and u have the most faith in.
If a surgeon is on the IAHRS, it usually means he is a good surgeon.


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It looks like your proactive steps to stabilize your hair loss helped as you hair looks good and age appropriate but I can understand wanting to get those areas you mentioned filled in.

I’m from the US and the only reputable doctors i would have do a procedure on me is very few in North America Those would be Hasson & Wong in Vancouver Canada, Dr Diep in California, Dr Konior in Chicago, Dr Bloxham at Feller & Bloxham in New York, and possibly Dr Rahal in Toronto. If you’re willing to pay top dollar and for a top surgeon/clinic then don’t limit yourself to distance. I am impressed with the work of Dr Couto, Dr Lorenzo, Dr Freitas, Dr Villa in Spain, but they do have very long waiting lists so do your homework and do as many consultations either in person or Skype video/FaceTime.

Good luck.