11 month, 21 day UPDATE


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Well, since I will be on travel, I decided to post my first ever update a few days early.

I have been on minoxidil since Sept 2003. I have used it religiously twice a day, with the expection of May, where I did not use it about three weeks due to travel. The break did not appear to matter.

I am in my early 30s, and started losing around 26. I began shaving my head about three years ago, therefore, most people would have no idea what "improvement" is for me. I have fine blond hair, with moderate diffuse thinning and some recession. I have the typical "bald spot" on the top/back, although it is still covered with fine blond hairs. I guess I am a N2 or so. Seems to have been the same every time I let it grow some, I noticed it settled in, to its current state about three years ago.

Because my entire head is still covered with hair, I believed that I would have a high likelihood of positive response. It appears I was correct.

Since mid July, I have been using .25 to 1 mg of finasteride (From Cipla) (mainly .25 or .50). I have let my hair grow out for about two weeks, and it is about the length of a shaved head with a number 1 guard.

From the profile, front, and back, it is OBVIOUS my hair has thickened and is coming back. The addition of finasteride (and nizoral last month too, M-W-F) seems to have pushed me over the cosmetic edge. I am actually NOT going to shave it (razor) for the first time in a long time. I am going to let it grow and simply keep it buzzed short.

I am not currently in a relationship, but I can say that my drive is lower, but not that much lower. I work out vigorously, and have maintained the same level of muscularity, if anything gotten a bit bigger more recently. I have no gyno, or anything else. Although I have only been on finasteride for about 45 days though too. I am going to be patient and let any sexual side effects PASS before freaking out. I also believe finasteride has effected my mood (give less a sh*t about things), and made me slightly more "chilled" but not necessarily less aggressive. I actually don't mind it. I'm kinda ADD and it seems to have helped. There might be a link with DHT and aggression and ADD, I don't know, its only speculative.

I believe the combination of the big three is what does it. minoxidil kept the hairs alive, but they were still swimming in DHT....at this point, I expect perhaps a full cosmetic recovery in six more months (at least to "mature" hairline/head of hair).

The regimen is NOT a pain. I simply take a quarter pill of finasteride (yes, of the 1 mg which I cut into 4ths with a pill box cutter) and put some minoxidil (generic only) on in the morning, and then some more when I get home.

Now that I have let it grow out some , and will be returning to work (people who know me) next week, I predict the comments will not be that my hair looks thicker but "why did you ever shave your head to begin with?"

I will keep you posted. I probably did this backwards...one should probably start with finasteride and THEN add minoxidil, etc. I'm lucky I'm not too far gone already. I believe being on minoxidil and then kicking in finasteride, allowed the hair to finally come through as it should, stronger and thicker than minoxidil can provide alone. I need to take pics, and hope to in order to document the coming year.
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Yes!!!! Another post that gives me hope. Congrats!! I hope you reach your goals. Keep us posted.


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Good to hear the success...I'm also taking .25mcg of finasteride for about two weeks now.


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I don't have a digital camera, so while I can take photos of myself, not sure if they will turn out crooked, or in bad lighting. No way to instantly check.

I sent an email earlier to HairLossTalk.com saying I wanted to participate in a sponsored photo shoot for the update/biographical area.

I think my case is going to be good, obvious proof, similar to Martin's that the big three can work. It will be especially interesting if I do it at a lower dose.

I have reordered finpecia AND merck brand propecia. My regimen is going to be this once it arrives:

.5 mg merck propecia Monday thru Friday.
1 mg finpecia Sat and Sunday
nizoral : M, W and F
minoxidil (always use generic) every day 2x

I weigh 175 pounds and I believe you can do this, if you are a recent male pattern baldness (last five years) on a lowered dose.

So far I have been taking .25 to 5 and sometimes a whole 1mg, but for scientific purposes and in order to know what can work for me and for others, I should at least have a system if I am going to do that. The above regimen will save me money. Next time around ordering, I probably will just order Merck brand, to be SURE I am getting the real stuff (although it seems like finpecia is doing the trick).

I have never really used anything BUT generic minoxidil. Never found a big difference, I never had itchiness, or flaking, etc...so, for 15 bucks a bottle or whatever, at Target, its worth it.


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Doesn't changing dose mess with your hormone levels? I mean, if you're always changing the amount of medication you feed your body, how's it ever gonna adjust?