11 month on finasteride but still no shedding


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using generic finasteride (cipla) from India but still no shedding but moderate improvement in vertex and slight in hairline, shedding hair in shower but lesser now to about a close estimate reduced to 1/2 the usual ammount of hair shed....any experts care to shed some light on my male pattern baldness situation?


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No expert here.

What seems weird to you exactly? You are not guaranteed a shed while on finasteride. Would you like one?

finasteride is working for you.


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Sounds like your a good responder to finasteride. Not everyone has a shed with finasteride, your one of the lucky ones.


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wha i will like to know is does Telogen Effluvium non shedding signify anything about hair cycles, body mechanisms ect....


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When I started Finasteride my already ongoing shed decreased by half. After close to a year my shed completely stopped (IE maybe lost 1 - 5 hairs a day). Then around the 17th/18th month I started shedding 25 - 50+ hairs (keep in mind these are hairs I noticed and does not take into account hairs lost throughout the entire day).

My point being, if you never get a shed consider yourself lucky! Some guys dont whereas some guys do (whether it is right off the bat, mid way into it, or several years down the road). Why? Could be synchronization of hair cycles, could be increased sensitivity to remaining androgens, could be anything really as there seems to be a new question produced with each answer to hairloss we find.... So who knows!

Dont count yourself out of getting a shed just yet bud... Took me 18 months but I finally got paid a visit by the Shed Gods... I hope ya dont though!


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socks said:
When I started Finasteride my already ongoing shed decreased by half. After close to a year my shed completely stopped (IE maybe lost 1 - 5 hairs a day). Then around the 17th/18th month I started shedding 25 - 50+ hairs (keep in mind these are hairs I noticed and does not take into account hairs lost throughout the entire day).

My point being, if you never get a shed consider yourself lucky! Some guys dont whereas some guys do (whether it is right off the bat, mid way into it, or several years down the road). Why? Could be synchronization of hair cycles, could be increased sensitivity to remaining androgens, could be anything really as there seems to be a new question produced with each answer to hairloss we find.... So who knows!

Dont count yourself out of getting a shed just yet bud... Took me 18 months but I finally got paid a visit by the Shed Gods... I hope ya dont though!

Was the shedding u expereinced at 17th/18th month cosmetically significant?


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Not at the time but after several months it did become cosmetically noticeable.


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socks said:
Not at the time but after several months it did become cosmetically noticeable.

I presume yrs is a seasonal shed.this could be my explainataion....Since male pattern baldness start to alter hair cycles and u start finasteride, yr hair improves and the the shded could be seasonal shedding rite to get rid of hairs that are overdue in the same way as in a hair cycle of a non male pattern baldness person..