12 month update: success!!

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Hi all. I am a member of this forum for maybe a year. Just wanted to give my story and 12 month update.

I had always had ultra-thick dark hair, but started to lose my hair in a diffuse thinning pattern when I turned 19. My Dad's side all have hairloss problems Norwood 6-7 by age 35. My grandfather on mom's side has just a fairly receded hairline and some diffuse thinning. I think I take after my mom's side, which is my asian side. I am half white/half asian by the way.

Went to see the Doctor. My Doctor examined me and gave me a script for propecia. I got on propecia in August of 2003, and got on generic 5 percent minoxidil a couple months after that, and used it just on the vertex because the box said so and I didn't know any better. I didn't even have vertex hairloss!

During the college school year, my hair loss diffused a lot, I added saw palmetto and it diffused even more. I came to HairLossTalk.com.com and then dropped the saw palmetto and decided to just go with the finasteride.

In December of 2003, my hairloss was at its worst. I was Norwood 1 but extremely diffuse all over the place. Shedding stopped, but what was left was very diffuse and see through, all the hair on my head was limp and thin. Weirdly enough my hairline and temples were intact. I shaved my head completely to try to gain illusion of thickness. Some people called me baldie because I shaved my head, but I put up with it.

I added minoxidil to the temples starting december anyways because I had very slight recession and thought it could use buffing up a bit. In February of 2004, my hair started coming in really thick. By March, nearly all my hair was back and extremely thick, great hairline too. I let it grow out longer than an inch.

I have gone through a small shed this summer. Unfortunately my temples kinda receded this summer though =( maybe a little more than a centimeter or so all around. I have a natural widow's peak hairline. The peak hasn't really budged, but the temples, especially right temple moving backwards from from NW1 to NW2.

All in all, my hairloss has been nearly completely reversed. I have extremely thick hair on top and back and I am now 20 years old. Just wondering what I should do about my receding temples.

Hope this post gives encouragement to you all out there! The treatments do work! Hang in there.


Established Member
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GOod stuff!

People who have difficulty staying on the same treatment for even 4 months really need to read this!!


Experienced Member
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There is nothing much you can do about your temples. Keep using propecia and hope for the best. I had good result in the temples. Check out my images.


Established Member
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I would probably add spironolactone 2% for the temples. Also keep applying the minoxidil there because it is most likely that it will grow back.
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Thanks for the postive comments guys =). I don't really want to do spironolactone. I have enough truoble trying to do the minoxidil thing twice a day without messing up my schedule. I kinda wish I didn't start it, because I am afraid of a shed should I quit it.


Senior Member
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I would try a little bit of Retin-a around the temples a couple of times a week. That should help.


Senior Member
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So basically it just looked like nothing, nothing, nothing... until all of a sudden your hair basically awakened? Was this around 5-6 months into treatment that your hair started to bounce back up to its original thickness would you say? I'm hoping that since I haven't seen any AMAZING and INTENSE results so far ( 3 months to the day ), even though it's been only a short while, that I'll see basically the same sort of awakening. Cheers!
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Hi Deaner,

Yes it was basically nothing for a long time. I had to shave my head or it would look really bad. Then as I let my hair grow out again, one day I looked in the mirror, and BAM, it hit me, my hair was coming back!

I guess as the new hair cycle started, everything came back at once. This was about the 7-8 month mark that I noticed a huge difference.


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keep us updated youngandbalding! I'm basically where you were, i'm at month 3 and my hair is terrible from the diffusing. I just buzzed my hair down for the first time since i was a kid. The big dif tho is i'm not on minoxidil. I hope I can make a comeback.


Established Member
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whammy - im a diffuser too and only on finasteride and nizoral. at month 3 my hair was shitly diffused. think it was a shed. but by months 5, 6, etc, it was much thicker and better. unfortunately now at month 9 its gone down again, but im hoping to see it spring back, touch wood.

so keep hope. youre early in your regimen, and must be prepared for these ups and downs.

one question to you - how badly diffused are you, and how did buzzing your hair down change the appearance of thinning? just wondering how id look with a shaved/buzzed head.