1200 FUE grafts by Dr. Wolf - with pics


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I had my procedure with Dr. Wolf nearly 2 weeks ago today. I flew out from the UK (flight 8 hours) to Cinicinnati. Dr. wolf had someone meet me at the airport and they took me to the hotel. I chose the closest hotel to Dr. Wolf's office which was only a couple of minutes by car. (In fact I was picked up & taken back to the hotel every time I went to the office).

After I checked in I was taken to Dr. Wolf's office to discuss the procedure so we could save time the next morning and just get straight into the surgery. Dr Wolf spent a lot of time with me discussing the procedure and showing me a lot of photos of previous patients on his computer. He even called another FUE patient in who had come for a post op follow up, so I could see his results (which looked totally natural). Dr. Wolf had previously told me from photos that I would need about 1200 grafts which I wanted to fill in my receded temples, and we had agreed that he would do this over two days.

The next day I arrived at 9 o clock and Dr. Wolf began the procedure. He decided that on the first day he would do my right temple as I had slightly more loss there. The most painful thing was the local anaesthetic jabs, but after that I didn't feel any pain at all.

Dr. Wolf made all the recipient area incisions himself and shared the placing of the grafts between himself and his technicians. All the extractions were done by mainly one technician called Victor, who seemed very skilled. I was sitting upright throughout and able to watch the TV or DVD's.

Most of my donor hair was follicular units of two or three hairs which meant I would probably get good density but they had to split some up in order to create some singles for the hairline. Dr. Wolf was aiming for 50 grafts/cm2.

After the first day I didn't feel any pain during the night, but sleeping sitting upright was uncomfortable. Dr. Wolf provided me with a canister of Graftcyte to spray the recipient area ( I also sprayed the donor area to help healing).

The second day we followed the same procedure for the left temple. In the end I got just over 1200 grafts (I think it was about 1220) with slightly more in the right side.

The day after Dr. Wolf let me hang around in his office as I had to check out of the hotel at 11 o clock and my flight wasn't until 7 o clock in the evening. I just relaxed there and kept spraying my grafts with the Graftcyte. After a final check from Dr. Wolf I was taken to the airport.

Dr. Wolf was very nice the whole time and has some interesting conversation which kept me amused throughout the procedure. His staff were all very nice too and really seemed to care about giving a good result.

In the days following the procedure I had some minor swelling in my forehead which was noticeable to me but wouldn't have been to anyone else.

Now at nearly 2 weeks post op all my donor sites have disappeared and I can't see any of them except for one area at the side of my head where some red dots are still visible. I'm hoping that with time these will fade. I believe that the donor sites at the sides of my head healed slower than those on the back as I think that the pressure of sleeping on the ones at the back helped them close up and scab less.

In the recipient sites I still have the grafts in place (they haven't fallen out yet, but I'm expecting them to) and they even seem to be growing a little. I still have some scabbing on the grafts but not a lot of redness.

I've attached some photos, only after shots since its obvious from the photos how I was before since all my grafts were placed into totally bald skin except for a few which Dr. Wolf blended into the existing hair.

Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for the real growth to kick in!



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the donor sites do look very small. i does not look like they will be visible later.


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Most of them have already disappeared except for a few round one side that look like little red dots. I'm putting vit E oil on them and I hope they'll all disappear eventually.


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I can't believe my eyes, I just had the same procedure with Dr Cole last week 1491 into the hairline. Our Hairloss is exactomundo, especially the right temple region. BTW, it looks great post op! I am 1 week post op and still have old bloody crusts. I plan to resume minoxidil next week.

Good growth to you!



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Global, comparing the pics that you posted of dutasteride (long ago), to your hair now, I would say that you've improved.

Do you feel the same way?


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LookingGood! said:

I can't believe my eyes, I just had the same procedure with Dr Cole last week 1491 into the hairline. Our Hairloss is exactomundo, especially the right temple region. BTW, it looks great post op! I am 1 week post op and still have old bloody crusts. I plan to resume minoxidil next week.

Good growth to you!


Good luck to you too!

If these grafts grow in nicely it won't be noticeable at all that I have any hair loss, so I guess it'll be the same for you!


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Aplunk1 said:
Global, comparing the pics that you posted of dutasteride (long ago), to your hair now, I would say that you've improved.

Do you feel the same way?

Yes definitely, my hair has thickened up all over while on dutasteride and my crown filled in a little.

Maybe my receded temples have moved forward a little on the dutasteride, it's hard to tell, but if they have it's been a very slow process as I've been on dutasteride for three years now. Whereas the thickening and crown improvement I saw in less than a year.



Thanks for sharing those pics of your FUE procedure with us. You obviously had some very nice FUE work done and I know you will be happy with the ultimate results.

What does surprise me is the statement you made regarding who actually did the extractions. I would have thought Dr. Wolf himself would have done all of the extractions. My guess is that Victor is a Physician Assistant (P.A.) who can legally perform that critical part of the procedure. To my understanding, only a licensed physician or P.A. can legally make lacerations and incisions into tissue within the U.S. This is the first time I have heard that someone other than Dr. Wolf actually performed the FUE extractions.

It's also nice to hear that you were treated well. Happy growth to you and keep us in the loop! :hairy:



Out of curiousity, Did Dr. Cole perform all of your extractions?


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gillenator said:

Out of curiousity, Did Dr. Cole perform all of your extractions?

Okay, let's clear up some ambiguity here.

Extraction: removal of the grafts. This was removed by the techs and Dr Bridges, the associate surgeon/anesthesiolgist.

Incision: "punches" into the donor region. This was done by Dr Cole, Bridges and Mwamba.

Incisision: "punches" into the recipient region was performed by Dr Cole and a few by Dr Mwamba then the grafts were placed by The Drs as well as the techs.
The proper incision angle where the grafts were supposed to be placed was always made by Dr Cole.
All the techs do is thread the needle so to speak after the incision is made. This is the way it's done.

I hope I made myself lucid.


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Did you go thru alot of initial shedding when you start the Duta/avodart?


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LookingGood! said:

Did you go thru alot of initial shedding when you start the Duta/avodart?

About a month in I had a big shed which lasted about 3 weeks, although curiously I didn't notice my hair getting much thinner in this period. But I know I was shedding because in the shower my hands were literally covered with hundreds of hair.

From then on it was just gradual thickening of my hair all over. Now when I shower I have about 5 hairs on my hands.

Hope that helps!


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it does not leave holes. they just fill in with scar tissue. how flat and skin colored the scar tissue will be depends on the doctor and different factors.


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Re: hi global

leandro said:
hi global does it leave dot holes in back of your head???

Like CCS said no, it doesn't. You can see from my photos that at 2-3 days post op the extraction sites were already very small.

After a week or so most of them were already invisible, so I'm pretty sure that in the future I could wear my hair at a number one cut without anything showing.

This of course may not apply to everyone as CCS said, different skin characteristics, your age etc will determine how much scarring you get. Nevertheless if you are in the hands of a good Doctor, scarring should be minimal.


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hi global

hi global what is the update???do you grow hairs???i read some forums some patients undergo fue did not grow hairs after 7 months


Global, what Norwood were you before and what Norwood will you be after your grafts grow in? I'm a little confused by the pics because it looks like you already have hair where you put the grafts. I don't know much about hair transplants but they look good to me.

Like from this pic:

http://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/atta ... 0425%2EJPG

It looks like you are holding a tuft of your hair over the new graft area? So were you like an NW3-3.5 before and an NW2 now?


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JayMan said:
It looks like you are holding a tuft of your hair over the new graft area? So were you like an NW3-3.5 before and an NW2 now?

Nw3.5? No, he was about nw2.5+ and went to nw1.5+


thylax said:
JayMan said:
It looks like you are holding a tuft of your hair over the new graft area? So were you like an NW3-3.5 before and an NW2 now?

Nw3.5? No, he was about nw2.5+ and went to nw1.5+

ah okay my bad.