12th months on propecia now what?


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Hi guys, the other day was my 12th month on propecia, although my hair has gotten progressively worse since I started finasteride (since i started at the very first sign of loss i believe) I do feel that it has at least slowed down my loss. Does anyone have any experience past this point that they can share with me? can I expect it to continue getting worse or staying the same?? Also I'm very interested in dutasteride, although I"m not quite sure how to acquire it. Any feedback would be much appreciated, thanks guys


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i started proscar 1mg almost 12 months ago and it has stopped working for me.

at first my testicles were dead and my penis was like jello. the threat of permanent damage to my balls scared me enough to cut back the dosage to .625mg (1/8 of a 5mg tablet). in retrospect i should not have worried so much about permanent damage because there are only a few guys on the internet trying to scare people about that. if there were actual cases of it we would hear about it from official sources like doctors.

after 3 weeks of .625mg the sexual side effects went away. after 3 months of .625mg my intense shedding stopped. 3 more months passed with no hair loss. normal (not intense) shedding started again in july. i continued with .625 mg until september but the hair loss continued. i took a 2 week break from proscar (which maybe was a mistake). then i began 1.25mg (1/4 tablet) on sept 15. It is now month 5. no sexual side effects, but my hair loss has steadily continued at a natural rate.

maybe i "blew my chance" with proscar the first time by only using .625mg, and now my body won't respond to any dosage. i will continue with 1.25 mg until i reach a full year on that dosage. my only advice to beginners is stick with 1mg and don't be afraid of permanent damage to your balls.


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roy_drager - I'm not quite sure i'm following you here, you were taking 1mg proscar for a year then had some sexual side effects, at which point you switched to .625mg a day for like 6 or 7 months and then switched to 1.25 mg because the .625 wasn't doing anything, which you've now been on for like 5 months? So you've been taking proscar for about two years then? Anyways, i haven't had any sexual problems, just wondering what kind of maintenance or possible regrowth i might see from here on out given that i just reached the 12 month mark....Thanks for the reply, let me know what you think


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I'm on the same boat as you my friend. Just sealed 1 year of using it along with Nizoral (2-3 times a week), and since I haven't seen any noticeable results I figured it was time for a post.

There were brief periods during that year when I did notice the shedding stop, but overall I seem to be losing the same amount of hair count (20-30). The scary part is that I've also noticed some thinning areas that were not there before.

I'm curious if I should be giving another year or if i should be changing something. Maybe adding Revivogen shampoo make a difference? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



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When it works 83% of the time, it doesn't work 17% of the time. I've been on it for 11 months and noticed no effect. Time for minoxodil, I guess.


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Anyone else been on propecia for 12 months or longer that can let me know how things have been going for them?? thanks


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mikey21 & jackojack, im pretty much in the same boat, i have been using finasteride and nizoral for about 15 mos. i have maintained or slowed down my hair loss at the most. I decided about two mos. ago to add minoxidil, i have since been using minoxidil once a day as well as continuing with finasteride and nizoral. The possible combination of minoxidil and finasteride could be rewarding, but only time will tell. Best of luck to the both of you......