13 Day Progress Indicative Of Final Result


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Just wondering as seen in the pic of my 13day post op pic, you can see less density right side of the hairline, im 3 months post op now and im worried that spot will be significantly less dense than the rest, however i am seeing hair growth in that area now, so basically im wondering is it possible that some of the hairs had shed or just didnt sprout in that area for the 2 weeks post op as everywhere else seems fine. Any feedback appreciated.


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I dont know if this will make you feel better or worst, but I am in the same boat. My right (worst temple that needed most graft) about 21 days in looked very different then the rest. I do not know if this was the procedure or if I accidentally pulled some out taking off my shirt. I am 4 Months in, and that very area now looks bare. You can see my concerns/photos/post here: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...ected-results-4-month-in.125252/#post-1840131


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I just realized you had commented on my post. However that pic that I added none the less shows that I had a very similar concern.


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Yeah i was exceptionally careful not to dislodge any, 3 months in and the hair is growing all over my temples so i will wait another whileb before panicking, i do remember during surgery we took a break because excess sebum was causing some grafts to dislodge in that area, but looking at my growth now it seems fairly uniform.


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One side of my transplant grew out faster than the other side early on, so 3 months is too soon to worry.


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Cheers man but as seen in my pic after 13days i look to have thinner patch on right side, i thought my growth at 13days would be uniform, could be that they just shed a bit earlier i dont know, its not a huge gaping patch so am not gonna worry, just over 12 weeks i have loads of new hairs all over transplanted area so i guess thats a good sign.
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got it done with Dr Andre Nel in Dublin, seen some good results from him and was just handy instead of getting flights elsewhere.