15 month result of Propecia


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Well, I been Propecia for 15 months now and took some photos of my hair and post it online. I started it at the 3rd month taking propecia. Sorry but it was done on a webcam but you can see the result clean enough. Not much has change but I got a hair cut which I got 3 weeks ago which is the onlything different between 14 to 15. I don't think it's regrowing anymore hair anymore but it has maintain my hair which is good for me. The only thing I'm worry about is that I hear a lot of people that propecia seem to loss it's strenght around year 2 and I'm getting close to that point.


What do you think about my hair?


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You have good results so far main!!! Did you shed any? Great job and keep up the good work.

Tony Montana


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I would recommend cutting your hair short man. Keep a little bit of length on the top and get it short on the sides and back. It would do wonders for concealing your temples.


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Did u ever shed on propecia?
also u shoukld take pics..brushing your hair back too


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My hair was long but now it's must shorter. My sides are half inch and the top is about 1 to 2 inches long. Yea, I should take pictures of my hair pull back but for some reason it hurt when I do that. Don't ask me why but it does. Which is one of the reason I never pull it back when I didn't have a hair loss.


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Was there a shed?



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I believe I did shed the first couple of months of using but dont know for sure. I did shed more a couple of months ago. But I dont think it was like 100 hairs a day. More like 20 hairs I saw it fall off and 20 more that I didn't see fall off. But that was when I was combing my ahir or styling my hair. I do see a couple of hairs on my pillow but don't think there is anything to worry about. I just want my right side to grow in more. Also I think I have loss some since I got my hair cut. The guy shampoo my hair and he rub it in to hard. Not hard like was pulling my hair but hard like pain in the skin which I did see less hair there. Not much but I can tell. Which I will not get a hair cut from that guy again. But it is still better than month 9 or 12, so I should not be too upset about it.

I also wash my hair everyday because it get greesy and I like my hair clean.


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Looks great, Bro.. You can definately see a difference between month 3 and month 12... I hope Propecia or Rogaine can have the same effect on me.. As far as hiding the temples go.. it doesnt look like they're all that receded to really be worried about them sticking out.. im pretty damn receded and i stopped giving a f*** quite a while ago anyway.. but to each his own.. good luck on your further treatment man.

too bald too furious

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I am very happy to see your pictures actionpackt. You certainly have made a very good progress. :hairy:
I want to know..how do u style your hair? And also..apart from the normal shedding you had, did u ever experience other side effects which i have heard on this forum like watery sperm, nut pain, erection problems, man boobs n blah blah blah. :roll:


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I didnt get any real side effect. My sex drive increase which I didn't really want but beside of that nothing different. I think my sex drive now is normal.