15 month update


Established Member
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I ssore I posted a 14 month update, but I can't find it so I will give a synopsis.

I am a diffuse thinner, 28, started to be noticeable summer or so of 2002. i have been on finasteride since aug 2003 and nizoral 1% since feb of 2003.

Crap fluctuated for the whole first year and up to month 13. At month 15, my hair is currently better than before I noticed this stuff in terms of width. My part is about 25% the size it was before in terms of thickness. I don't worry about it raining anymore as it is not noticeable when it is wet, and I don't really care if someone is standing over me. I just got my hair cut the shortest I have had it since the thinning started and I can spike it no prob. A girl I used to date looked at my hair a week ago and said that she is surprised I am not bald, and people I went to college with who were not thinning when I started are now in a very bad place.

Anyway, I used 1/5th proscar for 13 months up until 2 months ago, now I use 1/5th fincar.


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congrats douggie

what does it mean that crap fluctuated? i'm on about month 9 of propecia and my head still itches. hairline seems to have receded... thinking about starting minoxidil. really don't want to unless i have to.


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Congrats on your success, it's always encouraging to everyone when positive news come around.

