17 yr old thinning


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the other day i pulled out like 20 hairs from my withouut applying much force, like i pulled it a bit and it came out, the thing is the bulbs on them were really small or u cudnt see them but the hairs were pretty thick,
will these hairs grow b ack?/, i loose a couple hairs a day when i wash my hair too... i juus wanna know if im experiencing male pattern balding or its just part of the hair growth phase


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Best advise is to go to a doctor. But not just any doctor. Make sure you go to a Doctor who knows what he/she is talking about. A doctor that specializes in hairloss.
I started to lose my hair at 17 and now I'm 23. I waited a long time to do something about it. That was a big mistake so let me tell you this and read this GOOD:

If you find out are losing your hair, do something NOW. DO NOT wait till it gets any worse. The longer you wait, the harder it is to treat. I should know. Everyone in this forum will concur with this. NOW. Y'hear me?

Hope this was a help.


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I did last year, he said that it was male pattern balding
i went on rogaine for a month, and i started sheddig like crazy so i stopped, he gave me some medicine to grow theh hair back that i lost during the shed and i didnt use it
can i still usse that?
wut wus its purpose anyways?


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Well, I'm not a doctor but maybe if you gave me the name of the medicine, I may be able to help. Oh, and why didn't you take it?


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i dont even know wut the medicines name wus, it was a perscription
i didnt take it cuz i thought im so young and it wud take me a long time to become bald so i was like fuk it, putting more stuff in my hair will just screw me even more so i didnt use it
anyone know any good hairloss doctors in toronto or brampton(canada)?

thanks in advance


Well if the Doctor told you that you have male pattern baldness, then you probably do right? So go see the Doctor again and ask him what you can do. You will probably start Rogaine since you are not 18 yet. Maybe you can get a RX to Proscar, if not, then wait until you are 18.


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Fuckkkkkkkkkk the doctor
so wut should i do, ill go on rogaine, use some tgel and not propecia.. thass to risky for my young age, wut else can i use to enhance my hair quality?


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my hairs are still pretty thick whehn they fall out, im noticing some receeding and diffuse thinning at the top


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Youngin..i would look into propecia. If you buy generic proscar(fincar) and cut the tabs in 4ths or 5ths its actually pretty cheap. I was on it when i was just about to turn 18. I took about 5 months off but im 19 now and ive been on for 3 months. minoxidil doesnt treat the problem it just slows down the end result.


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Youngin said:
Fuckkkkkkkkkk the doctor
so wut should i do, ill go on rogaine, use some tgel and not propecia.. thass to risky for my young age, wut else can i use to enhance my hair quality?

Sorry Youngin, but there is no hope for you unless you consider using AT LEAST one of the latest products. I'm afraid there really is no other effective alternative at this time. Sad but true, my friend.

Since you're not big on taking drugs, you may feel safer sticking w/ the topical treatments for now (Rogaine, Revivogen etc). Maybe you shaoul give them a go and see if they work for you.

BTW, everyone goes through a shedding phase when first using Rogaine. The shedding stops after a short while.


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what is this revivogen stuff
can someone tell me the best topical treatments?
the thing is with propecia, they say like 2-3% of the ppl on it experienced sexual difficulties, aint this like a warning to its users?, it cud be just a measure that it dus cause sexual difficulties and if u try to sue them after u experience these difficulties then they can be like yea it sed on our box that 2-3% can experience sexual difficulties and u took the risk

im hitting uni in 3 months and i have to maintain my hair or grow some back... :'(


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Youngin said:
what is this revivogen stuff
can someone tell me the best topical treatments?
the thing is with propecia, they say like 2-3% of the ppl on it experienced sexual difficulties, aint this like a warning to its users?, it cud be just a measure that it dus cause sexual difficulties and if u try to sue them after u experience these difficulties then they can be like yea it sed on our box that 2-3% can experience sexual difficulties and u took the risk

im hitting uni in 3 months and i have to maintain my hair or grow some back... :'(

Propecia is the right thing for you (diffuse thinner): easy to apply and very cheap if buyed at the right place. You are quite young, so I could imagine that your dick couldn't mature....


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tynanW said:
BTW, everyone goes through a shedding phase when first using Rogaine.

this is not true.


Okay, then let me rephrase: It is extremely common for a person to go through a shedding phase when first using Rogaine.


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hey hey hey, so wut should i try? revivogen? tricomin? folligen? wuut do u guys say

you guys are the best man, if it wasnt for u i wud probly not get pussy for a long time


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Young: I'm in currently in almost the exact same situation as you. My regimen consists of minoxidil 5%, proscar, nizoral and folligen. I would recommend a similar regimen except both folligen and nizoral may be a little much for someone who's just getting on treatments. Your going to need something like proscar to inhibit DHT, the root cause of hairloss. If your really THAT scared of side-effects then look into spironolactone, a topical treatment which has been shown effective in preventing DHT.

Last blade

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Only go on propecia at your age if you are 100% certain your are fully grown.Puberty requires DHT so if you take propecia you need to be sure you have finished.There are alternatives to propecia like spironolactone and revivogen that topically inhibit DHT and would be safer for someone of your age.