
18 year old newby after some advice! ASAP


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Hey there, well.. I'm 18 years old and my hair has receeded something shocking! Ill be honest. I've tryed to put it off, but recently one of my friends said something to me and now a fellow co worker. This is really affecting my self esteem. I would shave it all off, but my facial features would not suit.. I really need your help and advice on this one guys. I've done a fair bit of research but I'm still unsure what would be best. I'll put dome photos up real soon once I get some replys just so I'm not wasting my time.. And please tell me if you think it is fixable! Thanks against :( Us young guys shouldn't really have to be worrying about this should we?! Hah


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I will keep it as simple as possible. The currently treatments available are propecia(finasteride) and minoxidil. If you are serious about keeping your hair, then at the very least you want to get on finasteride. Use both treatments for the best possible results. If your hair loss is recent then you have a good chance at recovering a good amount of your hair. Understand that there are no guarantees though. You could gain all/most of your hair back or you can gain nothing at all. That's just the way it goes. Lastly, the current treatments do come with certain risks for sides. I would recommend you talk to your doctor about those.


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I was just like you

Hey bud,
i really feel your anguish man, i was in that boat once. I started losing my hair at 18 it sucked nuts!!!! I'm 27 now and i've been completely shaven for 4 years. It was liberating, it was freedom. If i could go back and slap myself and say hey! except the inevitable and shave it off it would have put 5 years of worrying and stressing out the way. My point is this and the bare truth....get over it.

Sure you could try and hold on to it or restore it but at what risk to your health, 30% of young people go bald it's unfortunate your one of them. All i say is hold on to what you have for a while. In fact embrace it, let friends and family know that you aren't ashamed then when the times right do what you need to do, but please don't spend too long worrying about it. Being bald is great and believe me i am a whole lot better off because of it.

Good luck my friend


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As the guy above me said

it looks like the begining of male pattern baldness and the best thing you can do for now is get on finasteride,
that will stop the process (at most cases), and might regrow some back as long as you are on it.

dont worry about side effects if youll get them, just ride it out.

you can also start slow and low to decrease the chances (and the strength) of the getting sides.
like instead of taking the suggested amount of 1mg a day, take only 3mg a week (or even 2. Or 1), wait about 2-3 months and see if you get improvement (even a small one), or sides -
if theres any improvement id keep the same dose,
if you get sides and they areunbearable than id keep the dose as well
if you dont get serious side effects and not any improvement at all than id go for a bit bigger dose (from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on until youll get to 1mg a day, or even higher if you feel like you need to)


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I would take finasteride only, I wouldn't bother with minoxidil IMO for your individual case. Try to get on a half milligram to 1.25mg daily of finasteride. It should stop your hair loss long term. You can get a script from your doctor or dermatologist, or get it online without one at alldaychemist or websites


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It really does suck.. I mean, looking at all my friends with a full head of hair, leaves me thinking why me?!? Haaa.
I do believe a lot if this has been caused by stress and an unhealthy diet? If that's possible? I mean I've worked 2 jobs for the past two years and done year 12. If this has been caused by stress, is it possible to grow if back?


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It really does suck.. I mean, looking at all my friends with a full head of hair, leaves me thinking why me?!? Haaa.
I do believe a lot if this has been caused by stress and an unhealthy diet? If that's possible? I mean I've worked 2 jobs for the past two years and done year 12. If this has been caused by stress, is it possible to grow if back?

its not caused by stress or diet at all. It is male pattern baldness, cause by DHT excusively. Only male pattern baldness produce this pattern. Start finasteride if you want to stop it.


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My point is this and the bare truth....get over it.

Good advice, exactly the solution I was searching for.

- - - Updated - - -

Most likely your hair loss is not due to stress. Your pattern looks like classic male pattern baldness.


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So by taking finasteride it would most likely stop the receeding from going any further? Should I be taking minoxidil aswell?


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Most likely you will stop receding for the next decade. When you reach there, there are other stronger options, like RU and/or dutasteride. Or maybe new treatments? probably not.. :p
Some would say that minoxidil is a waste of time, and too much of an effort. Applying it everyday is easy for some, but others don't have the discipline. Whatever you regain from minoxidil will fade 2 months after quitting. Plus, it doesn't deal with the root cause of male pattern baldness. However, if you want to possibly boost your regrowth and maintain hair for 20% longer time, I would use minoxidil.

Don't be scared of finasteride. It has an excellent safety profile. You should read scientific based results regarding its safety and efficacy and not make your decision based on anecdotal crap from the internet.

Good luck


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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Thanks mate! I honestly really want to keep my hair as I don't have much else going for me.. I'm going to book in and see a dermagtologist ASAP and get into early. Hopefully in a decade most of my mates will be in the same position as me and I won't look so stupid.. I'm going to try and get in finasteride and minoxidil [/FONT]


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Look - way of living is like the whole picture, while stress would be the frame ( or at least part of it) and these stuff has everything to do with everything,
but it doesnt mean that once you have solved it youll get a full head of hair, maybe you would if you would start living good and stress free at a very young age and maintain that,
But to reverse what has been done im pretty sure youll need some heavier artilery like finasteride, or even better - dutasteride.
start there and wait a year to see how it goes


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Yeah. Well I'm going to get on fun ASAP. and hopefully make some regains. If not I'll be happy to maintain the hair I already have. So who do I see about getting finasteride?


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Yeah. Well I'm going to get on fun ASAP. and hopefully make some regains. If not I'll be happy to maintain the hair I already have. So who do I see about getting finasteride?

a hairtransplant doctor will be most likely to give out a script, followed by a dermatologist, followed by your GP


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I've tryed to look up dermatologists in my area but all it's come up with is skin and beauty etc.. It will need to be a specific dermatologist?


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I've tryed to look up dermatologists in my area but all it's come up with is skin and beauty etc.. It will need to be a specific dermatologist?

any dermatologist will know about hairloss. They aren't hair doctors primarily. They are hair/skin/nails. Skin and beauty is fine