18 Year Old Receding Hairline. Need Advice


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Hello! I've made a few posts a while ago, I've been dealing with thinning temples for a while now, especially in the right temple. Here are the pictures from today:
As you can see, there's this separation between the thin zone and the rest of my hair.
I'm really scared, I don't really believe in the "maturing hairline" thing, especially since my dad has completely receded temples, and my mom's dad had thinning frontal hair, although both had good hair at my age and only started receding in their late 30's. I also have a widow's peak since birth, so I think the receded temples will look awful.
So far, I've used natural treatments (aka Saw Palmetto for a bit of dht blocking, and some ginseng as a minoxidil alternative), and tbh, I think that they slowed down the progression a bit. This situation I have here isn't leagues different from what I had in my early 17 (I've just turned 18).
Also, as you can see in the pictures, my right temple is much worse, I can't even style it without having my scalp seen in that area, as well as a flimsy, frail patch of hair that is difficult to hold up. And on top of all that, I'm scared because for the right temple, I can already see the shape of the receded temple.
What should be my course of action? Is it too late to hop on to a treatment? Thanks!
EDIT: the right temple is the one where you can't see my entire arm.

I'm at college now, here are some more recent pics. https://imgur.com/a/5GGWBho
Can anyone recommend any good UK finasteride providers?
Also, I plan to update this monthly. I'll get a buzzcut in like 20 mins, so pics will look different but I'll post buzzcut pics from the past as well for reference.


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Its never to late to get on treatment. Your options are finasteride and minoxidil. I would always recommend finasteride to start with then waiting a year and adding in minoxidil if still no improvement. Minoxidil is a lifetime medication so requires alot of dedication.

But.......at your young age Im not sure finasteride is the best thing to do! I would maybe be inclined to try minoxdil and see how you get on for a year or two then add finasteride.

Is your temples getting worse? or has it been the same for a while now? Might even be worth holding off and waiting a couple of years before starting treatment.


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Its never to late to get on treatment. Your options are finasteride and minoxidil. I would always recommend finasteride to start with then waiting a year and adding in minoxidil if still no improvement. Minoxidil is a lifetime medication so requires alot of dedication.

But.......at your young age Im not sure finasteride is the best thing to do! I would maybe be inclined to try minoxdil and see how you get on for a year or two then add finasteride.

Is your temples getting worse? or has it been the same for a while now? Might even be worth holding off and waiting a couple of years before starting treatment.
it's been this way since 16/17 (that's when I actually started caring about my hair, before that, I didn't really care to look in the mirror at my hair), I was angry that the temple hairs on my left temple were so weak and frail and couldn't hold a hairstyle properly, and now they're more or less the same. The right temple wasn't as frequently checked as the other one, because I used to style my hair in a way that it covered it. But I remember checking it once and I was disappointed to see it pretty thin as well. So basically it's been a rather slow ride.

I've gotta say, I did some research on finasteride and DHT is still needed at my age, I still might have some growth left to do. And I am already used to rubbing stuff on my scalp (a la minoxidil), because I used a natural spray with castor oil that would require massaging into the scalp.
Thanks for the advice, I think I'll maybe just wait a bit to start finasteride, I'm really excited to try it out. I've watched this youtube dude kevin mann and he reiterated your point, that I should first start finasteride, then mino.


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Finasteride might be too mild of a regimen for you. Try 0.5mg of dutasteride + minoxidil + dermarolling. If that fails, there's always ru58841 and oral minoxidil. Both are very powerful.


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Finasteride might be too mild of a regimen for you. Try 0.5mg of dutasteride + minoxidil + dermarolling. If that fails, there's always ru58841 and oral minoxidil. Both are very powerful.
holy sh*t I haven't even heard of the RU stuff... Keep in mind that I still technically have my hairline that I was born with (aka, it hasn't receded yet), but the corners are getting thin, so what suggests that the standard combo may be too mild?


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holy sh*t I haven't even heard of the RU stuff... Keep in mind that I still technically have my hairline that I was born with (aka, it hasn't receded yet), but the corners are getting thin, so what suggests that the standard combo may be too mild?
He is thinking you receded already a lot because at your age, your hairline does look quite recessed. But I noticed on me also that I never had a straight across, perfect hairline. At least since I'm 16 or so. As a kid it was round. My hair was always thick and still is but never "perfect" from 16 until now.
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holy sh*t I haven't even heard of the RU stuff... Keep in mind that I still technically have my hairline that I was born with (aka, it hasn't receded yet), but the corners are getting thin, so what suggests that the standard combo may be too mild?

Your age and level of recession suggest you'll be bald before 25. You're already past a nw2 at 18, so you need to tackle the issue as soon as possible.

Try these first:
finasteride 1mg, minoxidil
if that fails
dutasteride 0.5mg, minoxidil, dermarolling
dutasteride 0.5mg, minoxidil, dermarolling, 2mg oral minoxidil
dutasteride 0.5mg, oral minoxidil, dermarolling, minoxidil, ru58841

Ru is pretty expensive, especially for a teenager, so i left it last.
You can buy it either from kane or anageninc. Kevin mann has a very easy tutorial on how to mix it, in his daily routine video.


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He is thinking you receded already a lot because at your age, your hairline does look quite recessed. But I noticed on me also that I never had a straight across, perfect hairline. My hair was always thick and still is but never "perfect".
I have a sh*t hairline I know, but this is how I was born... My mom also has the exact same hairline, meaning two curbs that join to make a widow's peak... So, my hairline hasn't really receded (because I literally never had hair in those areas), but it is going to apparently


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Your age and level of recession suggest you'll be bald before 25. You're already past a nw2 at 18, so you need to tackle the issue as soon as possible.

Try these first:
finasteride 1mg, minoxidil
if that fails
dutasteride 0.5mg, minoxidil, dermarolling
dutasteride 0.5mg, minoxidil, dermarolling, 2mg oral minoxidil
dutasteride 0.5mg, oral minoxidil, dermarolling, minoxidil, ru58841

Ru is pretty expensive, especially for a teenager, so i left it last.
You can buy it either from kane or anageninc. Kevin mann has a very easy tutorial on how to mix it, in his daily routine video.
Ok thanks, the regime stages diagram is helpful! But... again... I haven't really receded anything yet, I literally never had hair in those areas, just like my mom and her dad (aka, a widows peak). Still, the regime plan is probably gonna be helpful in the future, especially seeing that so many young men go bald quicker than the previous generations


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EDIT: for the people who keep telling me that my hairline is already receded af, here's a picture of me at 11 years old, and here's a picture of me now (literally taken yesterday):
Conclusion: No, my hairline hasn't receded past my widow's peak (which I was born with) YET, but it's gonna from what we can all tell


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Fight to the death, spend as much as you need to escape the balding curse
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I'm at college now, confidence is pretty low. Here are some updated pics: https://imgur.com/a/5GGWBho
Left temple is ok, but the right one is pretty messed up. Can anyone recommend any finasteride provider in the UK for a cheap price?


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Buzz cut pics (btw I shaved a bit of the right temple to see how it would look receded lol):
Also, just ordered my first finasteride box. Wish me luck, I'll keep this thread going with updates.


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Buzz cut pics (btw I shaved a bit of the right temple to see how it would look receded lol):
Also, just ordered my first finasteride box. Wish me luck, I'll keep this thread going with updates.
Its good that your doing something about it. Good luck


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you say you are only 18? that's quite receded for someone under 20. Hopefully you can maintain most of your hair on finasteride.


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Its not great for 19. But its really not too bad. The head and hair type makes it seem way worse than reality. Finasteride should be able to keep what you have for a long time.

I wouldn’t worry.


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you say you are only 18? that's quite receded for someone under 20. Hopefully you can maintain most of your hair on finasteride.
Ah, no don't worry. It hasn't receded yet, I was born with a widow's peak (the rounded hairline that peaks in the middle, something like Nikocado Avocado). Just now it is starting to go.


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Ah, no don't worry. It hasn't receded yet, I was born with a widow's peak (the rounded hairline that peaks in the middle, something like Nikocado Avocado). Just now it is starting to go.
so you have never had a norwood 0/1 at any point in your life?
From your pictures i'd say you are norwood 2.

This nikado avacado guy or whatever his name is, he is a norwood 1 but with a huge widows peak. Most norwood 1's have a peak in the middle of their hairline small or big but i think your corners look a little recessed tbh.


almost everyone has a widows peak
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