18 yr old looking for advice.


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hello everyone,

I'm an 18 yr old male, I have a few questions if anyone could help me. I've had a slight widows peak hairline since birth, but it seems in these last few months my hairline has slowly been receeding at the temples. I'm not entirely sure if hairline recession is directly related to male pattern baldness or is it another problem in itself?. It's weird though because while i have always had a slight widows peak i've also always had very thick hair (still do to this day). so i'm just here for any advice anyone wants to give me on how to treat my slowly receeding hairline....I've considered propecia but i dont know if I'd be too young?...i've also considerd saw palmetto (procerin), minoxidil., etc...etc....

any advice would be greatly appreciated,


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First things first is to visit your doctor, make sure the hair loss definitely IS from male pattern baldness. And please be insistent, some docs just think you're paranoid..

The Big 3 treatments to be used together are:

Propecia (Proscar if you're poor like me :))
Rogaine (Generic Minoxidil)
Nizoral (TGel if you can't find it)

Procerin == NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, unless you like giving your money away, in which case i have these very nice herbs that look something like lawn clippings that you can take. I can assure you 100% it will cure your balding for only $5000 a month, or your money back! I SWEAR!

The Gardener

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It is too early to tell for you. Some people just plain get slightly higher foreheads as a function of ageing and yet never completely go through the complete male pattern baldness process. In other words, you might get a widow's peak-type hairline in the latter stages of teenage years, and you might very well maintain that hairline for decades.

In my opinion, the thing to look for are the pre-recession symptoms... check the hair in your temple areas above the widow's peak.. if it is thinning, or not growing as fast as the rest of your head, then there is a possibility that you might have male pattern baldness.

That being the case, there are a few things you can do NOW given that you caught it early. If you do notice thinning in your existing hair areas adjacent to your widow's peak, then you might want to start using Nizoral shampoo a few times a week. You can get it at the grocery store.


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He simply might be receding from a Norwood 1 to a Norwood 2. Which is completely normal for an 18 y/o. It's difficult to diagnose his hair loss without actually seeing him.

Just some thoughts,
William P. Gainey


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I have a similar problem as Froger except that I am a bit older at 23. I've had a slight widows peak from age 17 I think. However, I noticed an obvious recession in my hairline last fall. My hair is pretty thick and it is difficult to tell if it is thinning near my hairline. I would really like to at least stop the recession of my hairline....I found a picture of myself from a year ago the other day and I can tell that it has gotten worse. Would something like Propecia be of any benefit to me? Does it tend to work on stopping hairline recession that occurs without any general thinning? Since I caught this fairly early, do I stand a good chance of regrowing any hair? Thanks in advance for any advice you guys have....I've had quite a bit of anxiety about this lately.