18yo requires abit of advise (pics)


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I'm an 18yo who’s been noticing that I'm starting to get a receding hairline, though when I’ve asked my parents they have been saying if got nothing to worry about and my hair's to thick for me to ever go bald. But noticing my dad is a Norwood 5a and I’m creeping into being a Norwood 2 I knew this wasn’t true.

Treatment I was thinking about:
Proscar and cutting into 5ths, and nizoral 2%. I've noticed alot of people on here take supplements, are there any out there which are proven to work well with Proscar and improve results?

A few questions I wanted help with.
When going to my local doctor should I just ask for a prescription of Proscar?
I've read on the site that hats won't do any damage to your hair, but would gelling your hair every day?, if so should you wash the hair gel out of a night?
When using nizoral 2% for 3 times a week, should I wash my hair every other day or just leave it be?, if I should wash every day will head and shoulders do?
Is there any other things I should watch out for when I start taking this treatment besides having abit of trouble with "it"

Here are some pics of my hairline




Cheers (I hope my first post wasn't that bad!)


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Lone Ranger,

You do have thick hair, but you can tell it is receeding, not much mind but it can only get worse given time right?

Okay, your regimen sounds good and you should stick to it. As with herbs, vitamins its best just to do some research, but quite alot of posters here using multi vits, or megaman....but there is so many...

Most people will tell you to go to a dermatologist to get things checked out first and then get a prescription, but proscar can also be ordered from the internet.

Gelling your hair can not cause male pattern baldness - its possible that if you use really bad quality gel or have somehow blocked your hair follicles you could lose hair, albeit temporary, so no real need to worry.

As far as hair washing goes do what feels best or what you do now, as long as you use nizoral it does not matter to much what you use on your nizoral off days...H+S is a good shampoo though - use it myself.... a good tip is to use a conditioner after using nizoral as it can dry your hair out as its primarily for the scalp not the hair.

In the first few months you may notice shedding, this normal, you may have suffer from symptoms but in most cases these go away after weeks/months.

Good luck in the hairloss battle.


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Lone Ranger,

If you haven't already done this, check out the excellent resources available from this forum's home page, including the streaming videos.

The finasteride and nizoral alone seem appropriate to me considering your age and your starting treatment with most of your hair present. Reevaluate after one year. Keep it simple.


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finasteride sounds like the right track but seriously i would trade my natural hairline with no recession for ur thick head of hair any day


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Thanks alot Petchsky, asolof and marsbtchsx
I felt abit guilty about posting the pics of my hair because I've seen alot of other people on this site and there hair isn't as in good shape as mine but people with thick hair still get receding hairlines as you can see and I'm only 18 so it could be alot worse when I'm in my late 20's.

I think I'll go with what I said, the only problem is getting to the doctor which I'm some what nervous about. I just don't wanna rock up and say I want a prescription of Proscar and they are like wtf!?

Anyway if anyone has got anything more helpful or interesting to add free to, thanks alot guys
p.s. ShockWave, how come you want to see my hair under some light?


I would get on Proscar asap. It does look like the starting of losing some hair. But at the same time get your checked out by a dermo asao.


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Dude, nothing can save you. Proscar won't work, just accept your fate, and shave your head bald right now.


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Hi L.R.

I heard you tried to contact me via Messenger. Sorry, wasn't me on the computer.

proscar/Propecia/Nizoral seems to be the way to go for you. Your GP should perscribe you Propecia if you tell him about your concerns. - If he brushes it off with "nonsense, you are not balding" tell him you are really concerned and it's bringing you down mentally. As for Proscar, I don't know, depends on the doctor really......

You can get Nizoral 2% over the counter at any pharmacy in Australia - Tgel in any Wollworths. You can also order all this stuff on the internet.

Beware that you might shed when you start treatment, and that your hair wcan take a step back before it steps forward and stabilizes.

Might catch up with you later on messenger. Cheers.


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Your planned regimen sounds pretty square to me. At your age (I'm 20, btw), I was a littleworse than that and I wish I had done something then.

If your mild recession doesn't bother you, your regimen is great. If you are insistant on regrowing it, you'll either be enslaved to minoxidil or possibly fluridil (what I'm using).

I'd say stick with what you got, your hairline really does look fine. Good luck though.


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Chujgcha: Thanks alot of sharing your story, it defiantly opened my eyes on the whole supplement issue, I mean if your podiatrist had thought you had been have been eating chicken livers, cow heart and washing it down with vodka, that can't be a good thing!!! Also thanks for the heads up on my skin, I do have a couple of moles on my back and you never can be to sure with them. I hope your road to hair recovery is getting along alright, cheers

Thanks alot to the other guys posting as well, it really does help and encourage me to give it ago.

If anyone has got any pics of there success stories I would really appreciate if you shared them with me, so I can get some sort of idea of what I would expect.

Cheers, Thanks alot guys