
19. Am I Thining? Or Over Reacting?


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Im 19 yrs old and i want to know if my hair is thinning. First pic was 2016. 2nd is today with close up. 3rd was 3 months ago, about the same with 4th. Do i just have a big forehead? The hair on the side of my head was always thin with few like that for as long as i can remember(even 3 years ago. Am i over reacting or do i have a problem


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I have been extremely stressed recently forgot to add


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Yes you are thinning in my opinion. Thats the beginning


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Receding. Get on finasteride.


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Yeah, I'm 18 and I have a similar receding, maybe 10 % better, and I definitely suffer from male pattern baldness, so you should be very alert. But I don't know, that hair is amazingly thick, I'm no expert in recognizing male pattern baldness, but is it not worth a try to consider the idea that you have the combo mature hairline + stress ? I know a guy who actually became Norwood 2.3 because of stress and lack of iron and not male pattern baldness because everyone in his family has a full head of hair. Also, you look like one of those guys who can't grow a beard quickly, which indicates that you are less sensitive to DHT. However it's important that you don't trust my opinion. Let's assume that you do have male pattern baldness and you listen to me, you would lose hair because of delaying to start with treatment. So continue reading and go to a dermatologist


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What about your hair genetics? How is your dad's hair and your mom's father?


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Yeah, I'm 18 and I have a similar receding, maybe 10 % better, and I definitely suffer from male pattern baldness, so you should be very alert. But I don't know, that hair is amazingly thick, I'm no expert in recognizing male pattern baldness, but is it not worth a try to consider the idea that you have the combo mature hairline + stress ? I know a guy who actually became Norwood 2.3 because of stress and lack of iron and not male pattern baldness because everyone in his family has a full head of hair. Also, you look like one of those guys who can't grow a beard quickly, which indicates that you are less sensitive to DHT. However it's important that you don't trust my opinion. Let's assume that you do have male pattern baldness and you listen to me, you would lose hair because of delaying to start with treatment. So continue reading and go to a dermatologist
Yes i have tons of hair on my head, and maybe find like 3 hairs on my pillow when i wake


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Found this too guys. How long do you think i have. I can't afford any treatments at all


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Just curious, when did your father start balding? Secondly, treatments are actually expensive but I think you can afford them. Say you want to take finasteride, cut the pill in two equal pieces or even three, so you have a 2-3 months supply


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Fathers baldness is not related to your baldness. If the baldness is on your mothers side(father from your mother i.e) its more likely you will also lose hair. Anyway thats the beginning of your hairloss Michael. Now you have to choose if you want to keep your hair or to lose more day by day