
19 and bald.


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Today, (1st June 2015) I took the step of shaving my head after months of contemplation. I turned 19 last month, and have been receding on my temples since the age of 15/16. I really aren't sure about my new look, my sister despises it, and I am losing faith in it myself. Would shaving it off completely make it look better, I would appreciate some other peoples thoughts.



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Don't despair, I know it makes you feel like ****. We're all in the same boat.

I'd take it down to clipper guard number 1 all over (no shorter than that as it's not a good look imo). If you can grow facial stubble and keep it at 1-2mm, do so, trust me it will help your look.

Maybe consider treatments to keep what you have and perhaps gain some hair?


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Yeah you have pretty aggresive hair loss, I mean you're even diffuse thinning, let's say you don't have much time left when it comes to having hair. I personally think it will not look good however you style it and if you have it any shorter you must as well be slick bald. As the guy said, consider treatment?


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cut it a little shorter, hit the gym, work hard in school and you'll forget why people even care about hair with all the chicas rubbing your head and body.


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Fred why do you swoop into every thread, and **** all over everyone and their comments. Just because you choose to be miserable and scrawny doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

OP you look fine, hop on finasteride if you haven't yet it will help stabize your hair loss. Hitting they gym is a good thing, it makes you look more masculine and helps pull of the buzzed look. Don't listen to all the negativity.


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Hit the gym, get on finasteride and start saving up for a hair transplant.

Meds will maintain, and strengthen existing hair.


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cut it a little shorter, hit the gym, work hard in school and you'll forget why people even care about hair with all the chicas rubbing your head and body.



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i agree that he should do everything he can to keeps his hair but if i had the choice to be skinny bald or jacked as hell bald i would choose jacked every time.


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Like everyone can "choose" to be jacked. Some people can't build substantial muscles even if their life depended on it.

Do you imagine a scrawny guy like Moby trying to become a huge meathead? Of course not, his physiology wouldn't allow it.

Because whether you choose to deny it or not, your muscles or potential to gain muscles is genetic.

Everyone can improve there physique but yes not everyone can become jacked unless they use steroids.What i would personally do if i became bald is go on steroids right away although i am not recommending it. Ultimately it's up to the person i would rather die than be a skinny fat bald loser with a grown horseshoe pattern.


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I somehow knew you were gonna say that. Why are you so negative yes your losing your hair and it sucks i started losing my hair younger than you yet you sit here on these forums day after day typing all these negative stuff. I know all to well how painful it can be but your only options are to give up or do everything you can to come out on top. Some of the comments i read here are very depressing yet none of you says screw it I am gonna save my hair with everything i can or get jacked and yes it is possible if you really want to get jacked and hit on every girl that i want because why does it matter your already bald and in your mind she already said no so who cares. You cant get less girls than zero girls.

Ultimately i doubt anything i have to say is gonna change your mind and your just gonna come up with some other excuse. I have seen plenty of bald men succeed with women because they don't give a **** about baldness, good on them even thou i care. Here is what i consider to be skinny fat, may not be accurate but just a figure of speech.

Wolf Pack

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Today, (1st June 2015) I took the step of shaving my head after months of contemplation. I turned 19 last month, and have been receding on my temples since the age of 15/16. I really aren't sure about my new look, my sister despises it, and I am losing faith in it myself. Would shaving it off completely make it look better, I would appreciate some other peoples thoughts.



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Here are some pictures...
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I can see why your sister doesn't like this look and neither do you. Having said this, it's not too late. Get on treatments and you will probably need a transplant at the front too. In the mean time you need to clean razor this off OR grow it out. I honestly think you can grow it out as your density is good enough. Bring those corners forward like inch or so. Look up hairs styles for receding on google. Don't try and to a very big comb over but a natural one will look better than it does now.

The way it is buzzed now is not good, that's for a slightly receding hairline.

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Let's talk about fixing the problem rather than sweeping it under the rug.

Actually sweeping it under a rug (piece) might not be so bad, that's what I read it as initially, fellow wolf. Good advice either way in the rest of your post. The gym still helps, putting on some muscle, not necessarily going all out and roiding. As what's worse, egg on a stick or an egg on an in shape body? Taking a whole view of your body is not bad at all, treat your hair loss of course but other areas can help a bit too.

Wolf Pack

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It's not bad advice at all. He is a NW3 and it can be styled forward at the front if he grows it, doesn't work for all, but it can do. He clearly hates his current buzz as he said so himself and is contemplating shaving. I offered an alternative to full on shave.

I am a Norwood 2-3 as well don't forget.

Wolf Pack

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Yes sides need to be almost a skin fade I agree. As for the top, he won't know until he tries it. Jude Law could do it up to a point but then it got too much.


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Cheers man, I've got facial hair already, and I'm starting to get used to the look and my friends say they like it. Don't fancy going on any treatment as I'm unsure about the side effect.

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Terrible advice on top of clear loathing of balding in other men by someone who is not even evidently balding to others.

I think he will take the advices of true bald(ing) guys like me and wolfman over yours.

Cheers Fred, I'm getting used to it now and so are my friends. I've got facial hair so it doesn't look too bad.

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Don't despair, I know it makes you feel like ****. We're all in the same boat.

I'd take it down to clipper guard number 1 all over (no shorter than that as it's not a good look imo). If you can grow facial stubble and keep it at 1-2mm, do so, trust me it will help your look.

Maybe consider treatments to keep what you have and perhaps gain some hair?

Thanks for your advice mate!


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@ Ryan, you should definitely look into getting on the big 3 (finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral). I was worried about finasteride and put it off for about 4 years however the sooner you try it the better and if you do experience any sides just hop off. For the meantime, if I were you I'd definitely grow it out. You're receding a lot however not too thin, it would be easy to grow it longer and mess it up with hair product to cover the temples and style it, that's what Ive been doing for 5 years :)

@ Fred, I don't think advising someone to workout is bad advice, hairloss after all is a superficial problem so there's no harm in keeping your body fit to improve your looks either. Treating hairloss and keeping yourself in good shape go hand in hand.


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Do not do a comb over. 5km winds will make ya look like a flap head.

Keep it high and tight. Sides tapered, and top real short like a military ranger cut.

Realy focus on developing a skill, trade or continued education because you're going to need a decent job to afford a transplant without ridiculous debt.


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I'll forget the treatments ! You are too far gone, Best bet is too shave what's left. You have VERY aggressive hair loss for only 19 and I truly would shave if off as no treatments will work for you. I'd rather have NO hair than have poor quality thin hair or receded hairline.

I think what bothers you's lot on here is not being bald but balding. As it is NOT a good look and looks awful.