
19 And Unsure If male pattern baldness Or Maturing Hairline


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copy this into google "male patterned baldness"


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I apologize if my question seems stupid, but the thought has been stressing me for a while now. I understand that it doesn’t look like typical male pattern baldness, but I wasn’t sure if it was possible that I was in the early stages. For me, it’s very hard to distinguish the signs/symptoms that the internet describes. I also know that stress doesn’t exactly help either, so I really just wanted to get the bottom of it.


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Some minor recession but nothing to worry about. Come back in a few years if it gets worse.


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So would you attribute it to a maturing hairline? Or is it too tough to say?
Technically there is no such thing as a mature hairline, as even the smallest itty bity degree of recession is still male pattern baldness. However, it can and sometimes does just 'stop' or continues at a snails pace and you die in your 70s with a NW3.. and of course you could lose everything in just a few short years. male pattern baldness is unpredictable as f***. I do think you are alright for now though.