19 asian with frontal receding...


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I've noticed it since this april and did not pay much attention to it until june where it became more noticeable with some of the hair styles that i did.

My hair was famous among people I knew to be thick and strong and it came to me a big shock when I found out that I've now a big M in my forehead, around 1.2 inches deep on either side and maybe .2cm receding on the frontline.

I thought that male pattern baldness only came from the mother's side and thought I was safe because my mother and her brothers and father still enormous amount of hair regardless of their age. My father on the otherhand, went to NW5 at the age of 22 and my paternal grandfather didn't have much.

I've been on propecia for 8-9 weeks now and just began nizoral. I mostly only notice shedding when I shower, not really in my daily life, but the showers now have become the most scary part of my day. When I wash, I lose around 10-20 on my hand and when I dry, around 30-40, although it varies. Since my hair is very long (8cm, around) the shed is really noticeable on the floor and gets to my psyche.. plus, these hairs are really thick mostly and are around maybe 1.5mm in thickness?

Recently, I've begun to shed short hairs, maybe 1.5cm long, amongst the long hairs. These hairs are often just as thick as my other hairs. What does it mean? Does it mean that I am losing hair before it grows, or that my hair is accelerating its growth, or..?

Thanks for reading and I really do appreciate the help. Being so young, I am not quite ready for it, although I am beginning to accept what awaits me.